GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenyu
The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 描述一个你在日常生活中所接触得到的年轻人的潮流,比如Apple的产品、回力鞋等,并解释这些潮流体现了什么文化特征?
回答: Apple产品,体现了年轻人追求时尚,喜欢快捷的生活; 微博:体现了年轻人渴望与别人分享、交流,也体现了现在快节奏的生活
2. 利用网络和各种资料,对“当代文化”给出定义。并解释文化包含了哪些方面,这些方面中哪些和年轻人的潮流是可以有关系的?
回答: 通常文化包括文字、語言、地域、音乐、文学、绘画、雕塑、戏剧、电影等。大致上可以用一個民族的生活形式來指稱它的文化. from wikipedia 當代文化就是當今時代的文化. 與年輕人潮流相關:顏文字,網絡語言,流行音樂,小說等等。
3. 除了分析年轻人的潮流以外,了解当代文化的途径还有哪些?请举例说明。这些途径和分析文化潮流相比,哪个更有效?
回答: 调查音乐、电影、文学作品等艺术形式;它们通常是对人们生活习惯、爱好的高度概括,能更加全面地反应当代的文化。
4. 通过分析年轻人的潮流来了解文化可能会遇到什么困难?请举例说明。
回答: 片面:年轻人只是整个当代社会的一部分,不能代表整个社会的文化;而某一种或几种潮流更不可能完整地体现当代文化; 变化快,年轻人的喜好经常变化,而有一部分潮流可能很快就消失了,不足以成为主流文化的一部分。
5. 年轻人的潮流是否会影响一个社会的文化发展?如果可以,请举例说明。
回答: 可以
Summarizing the existing examples and striking phenomenons of the behaviors and action of youth, we can come to the conclusion that the most effective way to understand contemporary cultures is to analyze the trends of its youth. In modern society, to great degree, the decisions and preference of teenage are dominated by the contemporary main trends, at the same time, the inclination and liking of youth would provide a cogent access to guide the main stream culture. In another word, we can have a profound understanding about our culture through the analysis of the trends of youth.For one thing, the educated young people are the dominant categories of those popular and favorable objects. Meanwhile, the youths with good education play a great influence on the element of young people. We can find that the young people guide the direction of society and their thinking and action is the reflection of culture trends. For example, as a young men, I can deeply feel that the position of youth in the society is very imperative. When a new idea and a original product are produced, it is the young people that accept it with great speed. That is the youths who enter the new things. Take the education as an example, nowadays, more and more young people would like to go broad for studying konwledge. We can get the facts and statistics from the authority that the number of young men and women who are the centeral of their families could persuade their parents and kins to accept the new ideas and new popular trends. The effects brought by the youngsts little by little dominate the society. The culture of the society is greatly influenced by their behaviors and actions.For another aspect, we can take the comsumerism in the cloth, marketplace, and electronic malls etc., the young people still exert much influence on the trends. as we all know, the consumerism is the indicators of our comtemporary culture. Let us consider one specific situation, if the marketplaces or malls and so on were not accepted by youth, what was the result? The result is manifest that the marketplaces and others would go down, and sometimes, they could be bankrupted. Let's take the apple company as an case, the apple company take the advantages of the youth's likings and preference, their products are the best favorable objects acceped by youth. This is the reason that the apple company will prosper in short tens years and dominate the heart of the people. So, we can draw the conclusion that the trends of youth play an important role in the comtemporary culture.
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