GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenyu
Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 录像机、电脑以及网络等科技发明为学校提供了哪些更先进的教学手段?请举例并简述。
回答: 公开课,了解世界名校的新思想,新方法 投影仪 帮助老师展示课程内容
2. 相对于过去,在先进教学手段的辅助下,教师的讲课与学生的学习过程都发生了哪些改变?请举例并简述。
回答: 博采众长,不光局限在自己学校的小范围,解除地域限制 不做板书节省更多时间,提高效率。更加准确,学生更清楚
3. 先进技术用于教学对学生是否存在负面影响?比如:偷懒不记笔记、遇到问题不自己思考而是上网查、借用网络和电脑进行论文抄袭、用电脑不学习而是去浏览网站或玩游戏等。请举例并简述。
回答: 負面影響:不利於獨立思考,有的時候答案直接呈現在網頁上。自制力差,上網的目的並不明確。偷懶不記筆記。
4. 对学生造成负面影响的原因是否要归咎于科技提供先进教学手段?哪些原因共同影响着学生不能进行真正的学习?科技在其中起到的是什么作用?
回答: 能,一方面科技確實爲教師提供了更有效的教學手段,另一方面,學生應該如何正確使用網絡資源完成任務並不是科技的責任,需要對孩子進行適當的教育。不能進行真正學習的原因:1.十分容易獲取的作業答案,讓孩子沒有思考過程 2.網絡上充斥各種信息,孩子注意力不集中容易被吸引 3.缺乏有效的管理
In the modern society dominated by the advanced technologies, all the people should hold the awareness that the new technologies surely provide us with a lot of convenience and efficiency for our teaching, but this technologies certainly distract students from learning. However, we could not put all the blames on the technologies, for nowadays, we could not live without the convenience provided by the invention of the skills such as the computers, networks and so on. The only thing that I might do is that we should develop our spirits that do not be influenced by anything at any times.
For one thing, we should confidently say that the technologies to some extent carry us a lot of comfort and convenience. If all the technologies are all divesting from our lives, we could feel very discomfit and nervous, and even could not perform our job. They imposes a great negative effect on the students learning, we should create an undisturbed mood, thus, to some extent, we students could not be distract from our learning easily. In this information stage, our lives and work are dependent on the technology, for intance, the computer, which put us in an efficient way to do our occupation and daily routine. Almost at every time and every place, we tend to equip us with a portable computer. Why? First, our lives have accustomed to them. we can use them to learn quicly and know about the new happened around the world. 
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