TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Milky1722
Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你经常使用电子计算机吗?它在你的生活中起着怎样的作用?
回答: 是的 计算机有利于获得更多的信息。通过连接因特网,可以了解到国内外发生的大事,同时并且可以了解到不同领域的发展动向。 计算机让让生活更加便捷,计算机上安装的软件让工作更加高效。 计算机让生活更加丰富多彩 电子游戏 电影 电子书
2. 生活中有哪些方面在计算机的帮助下方便多了?
回答: 1 在工作中,计算机可以轻松地帮我们进行复杂的计算 2 计算机改变了我们用纸书写记录事情的传统记录方式 我们可以把重要的是输入进电脑 并且可以进行修改分类 3 互联网的出现让计算机的功能发挥到最大话 我们可以通过浏览网页找到自己喜欢的商品 进行网络购物 同时我们可以轻松地得到很多新鲜的信息
3. 而有了计算机以后,人们的生活又会增添什么麻烦?
回答: 1 过多时间呆在电脑前 对身体造成伤害 过多电子辐射增加了患癌症的概率 长时间保持坐姿不利于血液流通对健康有害 2 一些人过多的沉迷与计算机中的娱乐功能 使得参加社会活动时间减少 增加孤独感 对于学生 学习时间减少 对于工作者分散精力
4. 如果没有计算机的出现,人们的生活会有什么改变?
回答: 1 人们的工作和生活将失去很多便利 例如我们必须传统的纸笔记录事情 浪费大量的资源 因为纸张的大量消耗可以增加数目的砍伐以保证生产纸张 2 没有计算机 阻碍了科技的发展 科学研究上不了计算机的计算功能和分析功能
5. 类似计算机这种高科技产品的发展,它们给人们带去了什么影响?
回答: 人们的生活更加便捷 科技发展更加快速 人们生活质量的提高和科学技术的发展标志着人类文明的进步

Matching with desire for higher quality of life and progress of science and technology is the reliance on the computers. It is undeniable that computers have brought considerable benefits to our life and countless assistance to scientific research. Currently, the negative effects brought by them have gradually drawn a lot of attention. Whether computers make our life easier or more stressful and complex is becoming a burning topic. In my opinion, compared with the problems brought by computers, I still stick to the point that computers have already simplified our life greatly.
Admittedly, overly using computers have generated a large numbers of problems. First of all, it is not reasonable to spend much time on playing computer games and chatting with others, because it will increase the tension on muscles and bones and make people suffer the pain on back and neck. Furthermore, especially for students being absorbed in entertaining function can reduce the time which should be used to study and participate in social activities. If this situation lasts long time, the school record of students will suffer harmful compact, and the shortage of communication with others will increase the loneliness which is unhealthy to mentality of the young.
In contrast, more positive aspects should be taken into consideration. As we know, the computer is praised as one the greatest inventions in last century, because it helped people lift the efficiency on work and accelerate the development of scientific research. Particularly, the application of computers has converted the way people recorded incidents before. By computer, they can type material into the computer and save it as a document. In addition, this approach of recording is environmental friendly for the declining use of paper means the consumption of wood will reduce. It is meaningful to protect vegetation and inhibit desertification.  
Moreover, computers make it easy to enrich our spiritual life. With the development of the Internet, the function of entertainment of computers has been maximized to a new limit. For me, I always enjoy a piece of light music after working and studying. The lyrical music refreshes my spirit and release the tension of my mind to welcome next challenge. What is more, with the Internet connection, computers help people communicate with friends and family without any limitation.
In conclusion, although some problems from computers may bother us, they are unable to let us lose the faith in the future of computers. Because they have already convinced us that the power of science and technology is enormous so that it is capable of changing the way we live, think and act. Thus, through my analysis I agree with the idea that computers have made our life easier and more convenient.
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