GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:马建华
In order for any work of art—for example, a film, a novel, a poem, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE218"In order for any work of art—whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people"。题目讨论艺术作品价值与大众理解之间的关系,是很抽象的一类话题。艺术作品的创造有着不同的目的,其中传递出不同的信息,而被公众理解并不是所有艺术作品都追求或者能做到的。这就有了是否必要性与充分性的问题,由此继续展开并结合不同艺术形式以及内涵,可以找出很多思路。写作的时候应当注意例子的选取,梵高、莎士比亚等人已经被考生用滥了,题目给出了电影、音乐、小说、诗歌这几个范畴,其中有数量庞大的例子库,一定要选用适合自己文章的事例。
1. 艺术品被创造出来之后,其价值体现在哪些方面?请结合具体事例进行简述。
回答: 艺术品的价值,一个体现在其作品上的线、形、色、光、音、调的配合,即外在的表现价值,另一个体现在作品表现的题材思想,寻常称为‘联想的成分’。比如说毕加索的格尔尼卡,画中奇异的人物形象和色彩配合充分表现了画家的表现功底,同时其人物表现出的惊恐愤怒,让人充分联想了在纳粹铁蹄下饱受战争摧残的人民
2. 如果某件艺术作品被大多数人理解,会有什么好处?又会有什么不好的地方?请结合具体事例进行简述。
回答: 如果某件作品能被大多数人理解,就能迅速被人们客观的评价和分析其价值,在人群中的流传速度很快,并且较为容易的为艺术家带来名誉与金钱。但是一件能被人迅速理解的艺术品,往往采用已经成熟的艺术表现形式和方法,在艺术创新上局限性很大,而且容易被人所模仿,个人单件作品的稀缺价值就不算太突出。比如说自从圆舞曲创立之后,其简单通俗的艺术特征使其一夜之间就在全欧洲流行,尤其是施特劳斯家族创作了大量的作品,但是圆舞曲同时也被很多作曲家所模仿创作,艺术价值残次不齐,能流传到今天被大量演奏的作品不多 还有甲壳虫还有滚石乐队
3. 你的印象里能被大多数人理解的事物有哪些?艺术和这些事物之间有什么相同和不同?
4. 如果艺术作品脱离了大众会有什么坏处?有好处么?
5. 如果是你去进行艺术创作,拍电影、写书等等,你会怎样去做呢?
I disagree the contention that it is a necessary condition for a work of art that it is understandable for most people in society.In my opinion, not all the understandable works of art are valuable,and some works of art which are profound and abstract in temporaries' eyes are also can be of great value.There some evidences to support my viewpoint.
We firstly should realize what is the value of a work of are come from.A work of art firstly reflect its artistic values by its line, shape,color, light, sound and tone of cooperation, namely the external performance value.Other value of a work of art can be presented in its internal thoughts containing in the art, which provokes the readers' imagination and associative ability.Furthermore,we also understand that some special works can be understood after many years by most people.

It is very easy for us to find a large number of works of art with great value which are enjoyed by the public in any periods.A work of art understandable usually only have plain construction and austere artist thoughts, and they and their motion and thoughts can spread very fast in public.Not only many other artists can quickly create more good works like them, but also the authors' positive objectives that influence the mind of people can be realized immediately.For instance,when the waltz was created and developed by Strauss family, the simple and cheerful music was immediately popularized by any classes in Austria even the Europe.All kinds of positive life stories can be narrated in this genre of music and people enjoyed themselves in it for many years.
But some kinds of popular work of art are very vulgar since its simple form.When the value and moral of the society fell,many vulgar work of art erupts and spread widely.It is obvious that they are unvalued but understandable.
As for some profound works of art,on the one hand, we cannot judge them as unvalued since they cannot be understood by the contemporaries at that time. After some artists create a few original kinds of art in external form and internal ideas, most of critics and people cannot understand and appreciate them soon and throw large numbers of scathing words to the artists.Any innovate ideas must face some satires.But the value can be realized after many years.For instance, the works of Van Gogh were regarded as rubbishes when he was still alive.But his every work is of great value today and his skills in his works have been acknowledged by all the authorities today and studied more and more.
On the other hand, I have to admit that some artists also randomly make some works which is constructed by some chaotic forms and is a collection of lengthy and drab platitudes.No matter what historical period they appear, nobody can understand the thoughts contained in them and extol their artful form.I have to say that bad works of art either are too simple and vulgar or too abstract.

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