TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:qianc007
【IBT机经-25】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People are now easier to become educated than in the past?
1. 如今的时代特点是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 经济水平逐步提升,人们越来越重视教育。由于竞争压力的增大,人们在教育上的投入金钱和时间都增加了。
2. 过去的社会大背景是什么?它对教育有什么影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: 过去,人们还停留在为衣食担忧的阶段,收入不足,生活拮据,这使得人们花很少的经历投入到教育上,人们的学历水平相对较低。
3. 哪些特点使受教育变得更容易了?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 教育资源的丰富,比如老师数量增加了,更多学校建设发展起来。人们收入水平的提高,不再为衣食担忧,而更加注重自己的知识水平和教育背景,更加注重文化素养。政府也投入更多的资金在教育事业上。
4. 哪些特点增加了受教育的难度?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 但是教育费用正在逐年上升,使得经济相对困难的家庭没办法承担高额的学费。好的教育资源集中的大城市里,但地区偏远的孩子仍然没办法接受好的教育。
5. 如果让你选择,你会选择在当代接受教育还是选择穿越回过去接受教育?请结合具体事例说明你的理由。
回答: 我会选择在当代接受教育。我生活在北京,是全国教育资源最好的城市之一,目前这里教育水平也非常高,学校教师,教学设备,教育环境都非常好,我从小就被接受良好的教育,生活在一个良好的学术环境里。这些资源都是近几十年才发展起来的。如果回到过去,我很难接受这么好的教育。
In nowadays society with rapidlly development of economy, people turn their concern of clothes and food to the living, travaling and education. Also, as Internet and electricity devices  become increasingly prevelant, more people are easily to obtain imformation from the Internet. Under this situation, I believe that in modern society people are easier to be educated than in the past.One important factor of facility is that government investigate more on education. In the past, it is usually  the children from noble and fortunative familly can afford to be educated. Nowadays, government provide with nine years compulsory education in my country which make almost every kid can take at least nine years education. Besides, in this deversity world, our country have made friendly relationship with many countires and large amount of schools made cooperation relationship with schools overseas. This positive situation now make people more easier to get education and persuit deep research on abroad which is hardly possible in the past.Technology is advanced drematically compare to the several years ago. Internet is accessble for most of people to aquire any kind of information. Lots of online courses are springing up, Coursera, for example, provide with hundreds of courses from famous universities of United State. I have signed up two architecture courses since I am very interested in it. Most resourses I get are out of traditional class since I am accessible to the Internet almost everywhere. In additon, electronic devices such as computer, mobile phone and ipad can make it more easier to get educated. We can take online course through internet on computer, accumulate vocabulary from software in mobilephone and look up course slide in ipad. All of these make people now more convenient to be educated.Another significant reason to promote education is people now being more awareness of the important of education. To be competitive on society, parants are more willing to take their children for further education. They no longer satisfy with just university graduate, monitor and doctor are their target as most of people pay more attention on thier academic capability. I concede that lots of people from remote poor area cannot get excellent education and some familly are still cannot afford high shool fees. At the same time some kids are addicted to computer games. These kind of issues will inhibite them to get educated, however, it does not means we cannot get educated easier and it is not the evidence that education in modern society is not easier than in the past. All in all, I still firmly insist the idea that we are easier to educated now than in the past as government, technology and advanced perception are all promote factors to get education.
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