TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:BingoL
Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你看过哪些比较严肃或娱乐性强的影片?举例说明。
回答: 我看过的娱乐性比较强的电影有《憨豆先生Mr.Bean》《The Lion King》
2. 严肃点的电影看完是什么感觉?
回答: Shinjuku incident, 看完感觉很沉重,心情比较低落,里边有很多发人深省的问题,友情,爱情,信任与背叛,让我们考到了社会上真实存在的一些阴暗面
3. 娱乐性质的电影能给我们带来什么?
回答: Mr.Bean 能够给我们带来欢笑与轻松的环境,让我们心情愉快,保持一个愉悦的心情对于健康来说是很重要的
4. 你还喜欢其他什么类型的电影?
回答: 我还喜欢谍战片
According to the development of economy, the qualities of human life have improved, and the choice of types of movies becomes increasingly. It is held by some people that the serious movies which influence people's thought are good. Meanwhile there is an equally good argument that the amusing movie which can relax ourselves is better. As I see it, I prefer the movie which can make people happy.   The main reason of my propensity obviously is that comedy makes people happy which is very important for our life. To illustrate, I’d like watching "Mr. Bean" when I was sad. The plot of Mr. Bean was joyful and relaxed. It brings me out of the sadness, makes me happy and tells me enjoy my life. What is more, watching amusing movie with friends is much more pleasure and it also good for our friendship. To give a demonstration, my best friend L who I always watching comedy together. I remembered last year in winter, we watching the "Kong Fu Panda", during the watching, we discuss together, laugh together, the whole process was full of joy. It is not hard to see that watching comedy with friend promote the friendship. Ultimately, we can relax ourselves through watching entertained movie. nowadays,we have lots of pressures from many aspect, so, we need find a good method to release our stress, watching comedy movie is a good choice, in the course of watching, we are enjoy in a cheerful atmosphere, so we can relax ourselves.   All in all, I am strongly in favor of watching the amusing movie.  
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