IELTS 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Gloomy
Some teachers say students should be organised into groups to study. Others argue students should be made to study alone. Tell the benefits of each study method. Which one do you think is more effective?
1. 你当时在学校是集体一块儿学还是单独学?你觉得这样学习效果怎样?
回答: 我在初中的时候是单独学习,单独学习有助于培养独立思考的好习惯,但是问题解决的过程比较长。到了高中以后,学校开始提倡成立学习小组的方式学习,小组学习充分调动了大家学习的积极性。
2. 集体学有什么好处和劣势?
回答: 好处:一个问题可以获得多种解决方法;通过交流可以增进同学间的感情;集体学习有助于培养团队精神;每一个人都亲身参与到学习中来。劣势:讨论时容易出现分歧;学生水平参差不齐讨论时比较费力。
3. 集体学习需要学生具备怎样的特质?
回答: 集体学习的学生需要有团队合作精神,要乐于倾听不同的声音,要敢于表达自己的想法,要懂得如何与组员沟通。
4. 单独学又有什么好处和劣势?
回答: 优势:培养独立思考的习惯;自己可以根据自身程度定制学习计划;可以自由的规划学习时间。劣势:解决问题的过程较长;单独学习很难找出自己学习方法上的不当之处。
5. 什么样的学生适合单独学?
回答: 做事有计划、有安排,了解自身学习习惯,有自制力,有明确的学习目标的学生。
6. 教师在指导学生学习,应该遵循怎样的原则?
回答: 教师在学生的学习过程中主要起到引导的作用,不能过分干预学生的学习习惯或思维方式;要保持理性,平等对待每一位学生;教师本身要为学生树立良好榜样,这样更能激发学生学习的热情。
The education issues are always concerned by people. People said that the way of learning can not only determine one’s grades in school but his future. There are two main ways of studying -- studying alone or in groups. When I was in middle school, my teacher let students study alone so that the order of the class would keep good. When I was in high school, the school leaders encouraged students to change a new way to learn and then the students began studying in groups. 
Studying alone can train students to think independently. Students are also able to make their own plan and adjust their studying timetable based on themselves so studying alone is flexible for students. However, some problems in the course of learning will be difficult to find. Thus, students will go to a wrong way in studying so that their efficiency of studying will decrease. Studying lonely maybe more suitable for the students who have strong possessiveness, clear aim and reasonable studying plans.
Studying in group can inspire the enthusiasm of students since each student is involved in studying. Students can also expand thinking because one question may have several solutions by studying in group. In the group, communications among the group members are increasing, and that is helpful with improving friendship and building team spirit. In group studying, students can supervise each other so that the protracted students will not lag behind. But there are still some problems with studying in group. Firstly, the difference of academic level of group members is existed. Secondly, group members may have divergence in studying. So studying in group is appropriate for the students who are happy to hear different voices and have the courage of their own opinions. In addition, they usually get along with their classmates.
Even though studying alone offers an opportunity which let students make their own studying plans, this way is only worked for the students who can control themselves and follow their plans step by step. Both studying alone and studying in group have shortcomings, but in my opinion, studying in groups is more conductive to self-improvement. During group studying, students can learn from other students’ and they may correct their shortcoming in studying. Additionally, studying in group is not only helpful with students’ studies, but can improve their capacity in communicating, which will benefit students who eventually will leave their school for working.
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