TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:糖糖
【IBT机经-21】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should know the events happening around the world, even if it unlikely have some influence on your daily life.
1. 我们生活的是一个什么样的世界?这个时代的特点是什么?
回答: 科技高速发展的信息时代
2. 请举例说明世界上正在发生的重大事件有哪些?
3. 这些重大事件有什么特点呢?请结合实际简述。
4. 这些事件是否会直接影响到你的日常生活?如果是,为什么?如果不是,那么是否会间接影响到你的生活呢,为什么?
5. 了解这些重大事件有什么意义呢?了解和不了解有什么分别么?请结合实际简述。

With the advanced science and technology, information has appeared around us at any time. You can get a lot of information from TV, laptop, smartphone, iPad and so on. Actually, if you want, you can search most information of the world on the internet no matter what the information is about. Thus, what's your behavior? Which kind of information you search for most? Will you concentrate on some news about the events around the world?
Maybe someone would ask why we should know them for they seem like irrelevant with our daily life. There still someone, especially some Chinese, would say that the only thing they want to know is the price of the food, oil and house. Yes, the events are really so far from us. But I still insist on knowing those world events will be better.
For example, the US government shutdown which just happened recently unlikely has some impact on our life. Otherwise, a series problems caused by it have influenced people from other country. First, some of the tourist spots have been shut down during these days and a lot of people have to change their plan to have a trip in America. Second, many students were applying for an American visa to study in US the next year. Unfortunately, the applying was all stranded because of the US government shutdown. Thus, if you have the habit to watch some news about the world, you will have enough time to make a new schedule about your trip or the visa applying.
Another example is about the oil price. As we all know that the petroleum is still the most important resource of the world. And with the increasing use of cars, the price of the oil has drawn great public attention. So, the change of the oil price over the world will influence the price of the oil price for cars finally, even some products such as pitch which can be traced back to petroleum.
 All in all, to know the events happened over the world can be good for us, although the influence of them on our daily life is indirect. So, why shouldn’t us make attention on them?
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