TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:daya4
【IBT机经-17】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The ability to adapt to a new environment is more important than excellent knowledge for a job.
题目讨论的是哪种能力对于工作来说更重要,写作的关键在于分析这两个不同能力的特点和作用是什么, 写作的难点是找出实际生活中相对应的工作。
1. 一个新环境往往具备哪些特点?人们适应一个新环境的过程往往是怎样的?这个适应过程是只有少数人具备的吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: A new environment usually consists of strange people, starnge culture and strange way of doing things. We usually adapted ourselves to the new environments by observation, learning, and making connetions with other people. Almost everyone in the world meets the new environments once in a while in his life, such as leaving his parents to priamry school, then to the high shool, and to the workplace, which indicates that the ability of adapting oneself to the new environment is not exclusive to a few people.
2. 专业知识的重要作用是什么?它能够帮助我们做好哪些事情?请结合实际简述。
回答: Being professional means you could do things that not everyone could accomplish and you are reliable on your profession. For example, being a CPA means you could offer a appropriate and reasonable opinion on a financial report of a listed company, and thousands of investors could count on you to make their investment decisions.
3. 什么样的工作要求我们适应环境的能力更强些,为什么?这些工作有什么样的特点?请结合实际简述。
回答: Labor intensive jobs often requie the ability of adapting to a new environment over knowledge. Such jobs often have no limits on professional knowlege and most of people could be qualified, such as waiters.
4. 什么样的工作需要我们具备出色的专业知识?专业知识是如何帮助我们做好这些工作的呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: Other jobs require professional knowledge more. Doctors need excellent professional knowledge, because it concerns peoples' lives. If a doctor is not intellective qualified, he could not even pass the license exam, not to mention making a proper prescription to his patients.
5. 干好一份工作需要哪些方面的能力?上述两种能力以外,其他方面的能力对于工作起到什么重要的影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: There are many other abilities needed of doing a job. First of all, a healthy body is the foundation of every job, and the ability of body control is crucial to career success. The Japanese famous writer Haruki Murakami is a marathon runner who has a strict and healthy daily routine, and the running ensures him of writing at least 6 hours a day consistently.
I think excellent knowledge is more important than the ability to adapt to a new environment  for a job.
First, the ability of adapting oneself to the new environment is not exclusive to a few people, everyone owns it. A new environment usually consists of strange people, strange culture and strange way of doing things. We usually adapted ourselves to the new environments by observation, learning, and making connections with other people. Almost everyone in the world meets the new environments once in a while in his life, such as leaving his parents to primary school, then to the high shool, and to the workplace, which indicates that the ability of adapting oneself to the new environment is not exclusive to a few people.
Second, only Labor intensive jobs requie the ability of adapting to a new environment over knowledge. Such jobs often have no limits on professional knowlege and most of people could be qualified, such as waiters. Third, most jobs require professional knowledge more and on one could be engaged in the job without it. For example, being a CPA means you could offer a appropriate and reasonable opinion on a financial report of a listed company, and thousands of investors could count on you to make their investment decisions. Without adequate accouting and auditing backgroud, an accountant could not tell whether the company is undergoing a fruad or financial crisis, and the interests of the investors is endanger. Also, doctors rely on the excellent professional knowledge, because it concerns peoples' lives and health. If a doctor is not intellective qualified, he could not even pass the license exam, not to mention making a proper prescription to his patients.There are many other abilities needed of doing a job. First of all, a healthy body is the foundation of every job, and the ability of body control is crucial to career success. The Japanese famous writer Haruki Murakami is a marathon runner who has a strict and healthy daily routine, and the running ensures him of writing at least 6 hours a day consistently. But compared the ability to adapt to a new environment to excellent knowledge, the excellent knowledge matters more.
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