IELTS 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Gloomy
Nowadays, people get information through news and papers, but meanwhile are uncertain about the truth of these news. Should we believe the journalists? What qualities should a good journalist or correspondent have?
1. 你看新闻和报纸时,相信上面所有的信息吗?为什么?
回答: 我看新闻和报纸时,不会相信上面所有的信息。因为一些新闻撰稿人习惯性夸大事实或者编纂新闻来获取人们的关注,而且新闻和报纸提供的信息可能有一定的选择性,你不会掌握全面的信息。
2. 有的报道会迷惑人吗,比如?
回答: 有的报道会迷惑人,比如曾经一度用来批判一些官员自私自利不为人们着想的经典案例:有关新疆克拉玛依大火的报道。报道称在剧场失火时,工作人员大喊让领导先走,而后来却被曝出此事从未发生,且在场的领导仅一人生还。
3. 造成错误报道的原因是什么?
回答: 造成错误报道的原因有很多。从新闻人的角度来看,一些新闻媒体人由于为了使自身利益最大化,他们的报道自然会缺乏公正客观。从政府的角度来看,信息的不公开也是造成错误报道的一大因素。而且,现在舆论的力量越来越大,一些新闻人为了迎合社会大众的口味却罔顾事实。
4. 你有没有崇拜的记者?他/她的哪些方面吸引了你?
回答: 一个让我崇拜的记者是James,他是一名战地记者。他曾经多次获得普利策奖,但他从不会为获奖而改变自己的报道。他坚持自己的初衷,只为了报道而报道,他是一位伟大的记者。
5. 媒体界的反面例子反应出相关工作人员应该具备怎样的素质?
回答: 媒体人首先应该保持一颗理性的头脑去思考,这样才能使报道更加客观。报道的内容要有事实根据,绝对不能篡改或隐瞒事实真相。
    There are full of news in people’s daily life and people regard watching TV news or newspaper as a relaxing activity in their leisure time. However, with the rapid development of the Internet, the distribution of news was no longer limited to TVs or newspapers. The competition between the traditional media and the new media is getting more and more intense. The quantity of reports is rising while the quality of reports is getting worse. How to obtain useful and real information through a great amount of reports is becoming an issue that people concern.    Some reports lack of justice or try to mislead people, as a result that the content of reports loses its reliability. Some reports try to make people confused. There is a classical case that a report was used for criticizing some government leaders who were selfish and careless about their people: a report about the horrible fire disaster in Karamay of Xinjiang Province. Some media reports said when the theatre was on fire, the staff yelled that anybody would not be allowed to move until the leaders left. But when the truth came out, people found they were fooled by the journalists. Not only did the thing said by the report never happen but only one leader survived in that fire.    Some journalists’ reports lack of objectives, possibly because they want to maximize their profits. By account of the increasingly fierce competition in media industry, journalists are trying to get more traffic to their reports and they will dramatize the truth to attract people’s attentions. Some other journalists are influenced by political and economic factors so that the articles they wrote are quite such a one-sided affair.    Journalists should do their job and insist on reporting the truth. News itself is a present basis on the fact. If a journalist exaggerates or even makes the “news”, then this kind of “news” is worthless and will mislead people. There is a famous journalist whose name is James, an excellent war correspondent and he won the Pulitzer Prize several times. He never wrote his reports for winning prize or getting a great number of click rates. He insists his mind from beginning to end: Just reporting the fact. He is a great journalist.    Even though the situation of reporting fake news or writing misleading articles is still being there, this situation happens rarely to the whole media industry. I believe that people should not trust journalists or reports without thinking. To avoid being misled by untrue reports, people should think about the news critically. Meanwhile, journalists should do their job, which means no fake news and no exaggerated reports. People can also establish an organization to supervise if the media does any unethical things like cooking up a story and spread it around.
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