TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:周诗雨
Some students like classes where teachers lecture (do all of the talking) in class. Other students prefer classes where the students do some of the talking. Which type of class do you prefer? Give specific reasons and details to support your choice.
1. 你正在接受的教学方式是什么?
回答: 大多数时候是老师一人讲课
2. 你觉得只有老师一个人讲的教学方式有什么好处和坏处?
回答: 好处,老师可以尽情阐述自己的观点。坏处,缺少与学生的互动。学生的参与较少
3. 你觉得让学生发言的教学方式有什么好处和坏处?
回答: 可以发挥学生的主动性,启发学生积极思考。如果学生不积极投入到这个过程,就会造成课堂时间的浪费
4. 不同的课是不是应该用不同的方式教?
回答: 其实,方法的本质的是相同的。
Education is a process involving both teachers and students and the absence of any of them will lead to the incompletion of this process. There are various prevailing opinions about whether or not that students should be encouraged to talk during classes.  As for myself who has been a student for more than 15 years, I prefer that talking should be allowed in class and that definitely benefits students in many aspects.
Students, even though inexperienced and immure, can supplement lectures with new and fresh opinions due to their imagination and creation. Teachers impart ideas and views through lectures. Such ideas may be derived from prominent celebrities in the history or maybe original. Admittedly, these ideas can be valuable and worth learning, however, it doesn't mean they include all the aspects of a certain issue. For students, space for further development is remained and waiting to be explored and that is the way how we make progress. Education involves interaction between teachers and students and such interaction will evoke the sparks of thought, inspiring students to think deep and meaningful.
There is another benefit of letting students talking in class. The phenomenon of being absent-minded during the class can be reduced. If students are pushed to give a short speech, that means they must follow the topic under discussion, try to understand the issue and listen to ohter's opinion. Thus, they can develop their own ideas effectively, which cannot be completed through deviation from lecture. This is an effective way to improve the quality of class.
Besides, talking in class can practice your speaking skills, which is an indispensible ability for the sake of success in your future career. Well-organized speech can express your ideas concisely and clearly, avoiding misunderstanding and confusion. This can help you be expericenced in conveying your opinion, pursuading others and making effective communication. This ability can be developed by talking in class which requires barely no cost. Gradually, you will build up your confidence of speaking in front of public.
However, talking is the panacea for all classes. For example, during a class involving the reasoning the Relativity Theory, it is hard for students, supposing you are just ordinary students, engaged in discussing the methods of reasoning. On the other hands, if students don't cherish the opportunities of talking, or fail to present an thoughtful or meaningful idea, the process of class will be seriously delayed without any possitive effects on students.
After all. every thing has two sides and talking in the class, at least it seems to me, is worth trying. since advantages overweigh  disvantages
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