GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wangxiaoyu
The increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than it solves.
1. 现代生活节奏的加快都表现在哪些方面?同以前相比有了哪些不同?
回答: 网路、手机等通讯工具让人们能够随时随地的沟通,加快了工作学习的效率。
2. 过去的生活中因为慢节奏而引发了哪些问题?这些问题有多少被越来越快的生活节奏解决了?如果生活节奏不加快,这些问题会不会也同样会被解决?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 过去通信只能通过写信、电报,信息有可能在传输过程中遗失。通过电话可以有效解决这一问题。
3. 现在的生活中都存在哪些问题?哪些是直接由快节奏生活引发的?如果人们的生活节奏不加快,这些问题是否同样存在?
回答: 个人隐私遭到侵害,环境污染等。汽车等的普遍使用对环境产生很大影响。
21 century has seen a great change in science and technology , with which the speed of life has increased rapidly . A variety of tools are used for more efficient communication , transportation and other fields . Although the increasingly rapid pace of life today does solves many problems which can not be solved in the past , it causes some problems as well .
With the development of science and technology , many problems which have not occurred in the past do occur in our society everyday .For instance , we use mobile phone to communicate which increases out efficiency in work and study . Due to the wide spread use of mobilephones , people have to get ready to pick up a phone every second and go to solve problems happened at their companies or schools . They do not have any private time at all .
There also exist privacy problems with the use of internet . In 2010, Google map has caused a privacy problem in Korea . Through Google map , the user can scan every streets in the city in detail , at the same time , people who are walking on the street are also seen by the user , which deteriorates their privacy.
 Although the rapid speed of life does cause some problems , it can not be ignored that the increased speed of life has positive effects on the society. Sometimes , we need to solve the problems instantly to decrease the damage . In 2008 , the 8.0 grade earthquake at Wenchuan in China astonished the whole world . The Chinese government took effective measures instantly . The government got to know the detailed circumstance right after the disaster happened , and organized military to the area instantly . Food and clothes are transported to Wenchuan by planes . The public knew the disaster from television and internet , and organized effective donation campaign to help people in Wenchuan . When natural disaster happens , we should react rapidly to decrease damages .And the rapid speed of life plays a significant role in the anti-disaster campaign .
 Another advantage of the increasingly speed of life is that it saves time spent on work and study and leaves more private time for us to spare . When I was in primary school , computers were not widely used and only a few family had computers . At that time ,when I met difficulties in study , I had to wait until the next day to ask teachers . But now , when my young sister has problems with study , she can send a e-mail to her teacher and get the respond after a few minutes . Through this rapid communication , she can solve her problems in study rapidly at home and spare more time on her hobbies . The increasingly speed of life saves our time and makes it possible for us to develop ourselves , which raises the happiness of society .
 As I mentioned above , the increasingly speed of life has both positive and negative effects on the society . Therefore , it is unwisely to claim that it causes more problem than it solves . We should consider it from each prospective , and estimate it fairly.
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