GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wangxiaoyu
The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.
本题讨论人类思维与机器之间的关系,是很多科学幻想都会触及的一个疑问——人类思维是否永远高于机器,机器会不会有一天超越人类而不再是简单的工具。相关方面有很多素材以及经典讨论,而且也是大家比较熟悉的话题。写作时应当注意:不要发散太多,ISSUE依然是在逻辑上的分析;对于AW,类似于academic writing,所以引用的例证不要太古怪。
1. 人类思维和机器相比,有什么共性?二者各自有什么个性?
回答: 都是一个接受信息处理信息的过程。人类思维可以进行理性和感性思考,而机器思维只能进行理性思考。
2. 人类思维和机器之间是什么关系?
回答: 人类的思维可以设计机器;机器的计算结果可以确认人类的思维。
3. 人类思维有什么不足是机器可以弥补的?机器在哪些方面超越了人类?
回答: 人脑不能进行大量运算,不能保证十分准确,而机器可以弥补。机器的运算速度和准确性。
4. 机器有有没有哪方面存在不足注定了其不能超越人类思维?这些不足会不会被某些首段弥补?
回答: 机器不能自我提升。不能被弥补。
GRE Issue159The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds
21 century has seen a great development of science and technology , based on the technology , myriad developed machines are designed and produced to help human beings do work in every field . In recent years , people continuingly ask a question “will machines take the place of human mind someday?”. Some scientists hold a positive attitude . They believe that due to the rapid developing of technology , machines will do work like human mind in the future –they can even transcend human intelligence. Nevertheless , other scientists hold the opposite attitude .From their perspective , human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds . In my point of view , I would prefer the perspective of the latter scientists . And we human beings must recognize clearly that machines will not take the place of human mind and use machines properly in every field of study .
Machines can never take the place of human mind because they are designed and produced by human beings and act as tools of human minds .In our daily life , we enjoy the service of machine . When we go to work , we take the subway . This electronic transportation takes us from a place to another place several miles away in just a few minutes , and the time it takes is precise—you do not need to worry about being late . Then you get to your office punctually and freshly . There are a great amount of work waits for you . Office machines help you at this moment . Dealing with words and data , copying contracts , faxing important files –everything you do can not leave  the help of machines . After work , when you get home , machines are still around you and get ready to help you . Electronic kitchen tools help you prepare a delicious meal quickly ;washing machine helps you wash your clothes easily and you can clean the house quickly by a electronic cleaner . Think about without these machines , how labored and time-taking our life would be . Therefore ,human minds design machines to help us deal with problems in life .
Human mind will always be superior to machines because only human beings have imagination and have independent intelligence . In 1997 , a computer named “dark blue” defeated the famous Russia chess player kasparov , announced the computer intelligence have developed in to a new era . At first , people are feared about the consequence and predict that computers are taking the place of human mind . Nevertheless , a closer study of “dark blue” reveals that its triumph is the result of human intelligence . The designers includes world-class chess masters , artificial intelligence specialists and computer specialist . Whenever dark blue plays a chess , it goes through a complicated calculation . Therefore , the secret of success of dark blue is its ability to deal with data and its indefatigability . A joke by a scientist may reveal the essence of dark blue—if you are afraid of dark blue’s intelligence , just cut off its power”. In sum , it is just a machine and all they can do is designed by human beings .
Even though machines can not think independently like human beings , it can not be ignored that machine can take the place of human minds under specific circumstance . Take computer for example , it can do labored and continuous work and confirm the accuracy of the consequence . Nevertheless , human beings would feel physical fatigue during complicated and repeated calculation . Therefore , in terms of calculation , machines can take the place of human beings and even do better than human mind .
As I have mentioned above , human mind will always be superior than machines because they are only tools of humans . And the supreme ability of machines can be proved to be the intelligence result of human minds . When acknowledging the state of human beings , we should also identify machines’ outstanding ability in some field like calculation . Only by estimating the connection between human mind and machine correctly , can we use them properly to help us develop science and technology . .
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