GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wangxiaoyu
In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.
1. 描述一个你认为优秀的大学教师,他/她在教学过程中除了体现学术方面的高水平外,还体现出了什么非学术的能力?
回答: 告诉同学们课余时间应该做什么。
2. 对于教师来说,哪些问题是与所授课程相关的非学术问题?这些问题会对教学起到什么作用?请举例说明。
回答: 教授课程的方式。就算有好的内容,不能有效传达,学生也听不懂。
3. 教师的哪些素质会影响到大学的教学质量?这些素质哪些是学术方面的,哪些是非学术方面的?请举例说明。
回答: 课程本身的 质量是学术方面的,教授课程的方式是非学术方面的。
4. 教师花时间来研究与课程相关的非学术问题有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 好处是更好的让同学理解内容。不好的是占用本来可以研究学术问题的精力。
In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.
Nowadays , government pays much attention to the quality of college education , and the requirement of professor in college has become more restrictful . In order to deliver a lecture both acdemicly and vividly , colleges require all  faculty to spend time working not only in the academic world , but also outside acdemic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach . From my point of view , it is necessary for faculty to know knowledg outaside acdemic world which can broaden their horizens and can be supplemented into their luctures .
Spending time working outside the acdamic world helps a proffesor update with the newly trend of the courses they teach and can ensure the students absorb the most developed ideas in their research field .Take one teacher in my college for example . His acdemic field is in electronic conveyor .Aside from research in his major field , he always reading the latest papers about electromotor and supplies the new idea into his lecture . By learning how these electromotors are designed and produced , we know how the knowledge in our textbook are used on practical way .
What's more , by teaching knowledges outside the academic field , studunents can understand the knowledge in academic world better .  Take my reading teacher in college for instance . Aside from analysising the structure of the reading passge and introducing the background , he also know a lot of knowledge about phylosophy , scycology and economy.By supplying these knowledges into his lectures , we can better understand the detail and the background in the reading passage which we can not understand by simply listening to the structure and history background of the passage .
Even though spending time on issues outside acdemic field can  ensure the students know better about the knowledge and how it develop , it can not be ignored that the major job of proffesors is to research matters in academic field and teach students the basic knowledge in the field . I once met a professor who teaches me mechanical disign . In her class , over sixty percent of the time was spent on talking about our empolyment future .The purpose of the teacher was to tell us to take the course seriouly by emphasizing the importance of the course in empolying a jot , but we did not learn much basic knowledge about that course that semester , let alone designing a products which can impress the employor .
As I have mentioned , learning knowledge outside the academic field is signifcant for a professor , because it can improve the instructions in college to some extent ; While the importance of research in acdemic field can not be underestimated and college should always emphasis the quality of basic education .
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