GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wangxiaoyu
Artists should pay little attention to their critics.*Criticism tends to undermine and constrain the artist's creativity.(*those who evaluate works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.)
本题讨论艺术家和评论家之间的关系,认为评论文章对艺术家的创造力有负作用,是很抽象的一类话题。因为主要分析的是评论家对艺术家的作用,所以可以从艺术家的需求角度入手,找出他们的实际需求,然后分析评论家能否去满足。分析的时候需要注意以下两点:1、对应关系:题目中给出的是“艺术家 V.S. 评论家”,“艺术家创造力 V.S. 评论文章”不要混淆,而且主要讨论的是评论家对艺术家的作用,而不是艺术家对评论家的影响。2、选取例子——梵高等人已经被用烂了,这个题目和艺术有关,小说、电影、音乐、绘画等都可以包括,有很多事例是可以使用。
1. 评论家去评价评论艺术作品的目的是什么?评论家以及其评论文章为什么会存在?
回答: 让大众更好的区分艺术作品的好坏。社会有需求。
2. 艺术评价对艺术家有什么影响?对我们这些观众又有什么影响?
回答: 艺术家可能会因为艺术评价改变自己的作品。观众可能会根据艺术评价判断艺术作品。
3. 在你的印象里,评论家给出的点评都是什么样的?有没有共性?
回答: 都是犀利且通常是负面的。
4. 艺术家对评论家以及其评论文章会有哪些反应?
5. 评论文章能否破坏和束缚艺术家创造力?如果可以,是怎样破坏和束缚的?
The relationship between artists and critics has always been changeable and almost blue . Some artists create more ourstanding works under the promotion of critics . While some unfortunate artists are under the shadow of their critics all their life . Critics can pose both negtive  and positive effects upon artists , which is determined by the tatst of the critics and his attitude towards the art works . Artists should pay little attention to their critics and focus more attention on their own art creation . 
Criticism should not by emphasized by artists because criticism is confined by critics' experience and the taste of art which can not confirm the objectivity and accuracy of the criticism . One should look no further than the tragedy of Van Gogh. Even though his works worth millions of dollars nowadays, not many critics cherished his paintings at that time. Struggling with self-depression for years, he finally committed suicide. Had he realized the limitation of criticism, he would carry on working and creat more meaningful art works in his life .
Even  some critics can estimate art works and represent public properly , artists should not cater to the taste of public which prevent them from carrying out their original belief in art .In 2009, Zhang yimou  , a famous Chinese diretor ,   made a film named Three Guns to cater to the taste of public .Nevertheless , the profit and criticisms do not live up to the expectation of him . Public considered the film departure from the style of Zhang's film and became a pure commercial film with no connotation . Therefore , emphasizing the significance of criticism and paying much attention on public taste can only distort artists' originality and restrain the creativity of the artists .
Although criticism tends to undermine and constrain the creativity of the artists , it can not be ignored that criticism introduces works of artists to public and puts more attention to artists work which may promote the artists creativity . Wei desheng , a director of Taiwan , made his first movie  Cape No.7 in 2008. The film did not raise much attention at first , it came to be popular among public only after a criticism about it appeared on a editorial section on a newspaper . After that , the film have raise a wide-spread arguments among public and the director was known to public and some professional movie managers . Due to the criticism , public got to know a director with humanism sensitivity and enumourous imagination . Now Wei is sponsored by many corporations and can make more films of his own style .
As I have mentioned , although criticism may help the artists in their career , it may undermine and constrain artisits creativity .Therefore ,  artists should not pay too much attention on criticism and focus their spirit on art creation . the tragedy of Van Gogh. Even though his works worth millions of dollars nowadays, not many critics cherished his paintings at that time. Struggling with self-depression for years, he finally committed suicide. Had he realized the limitation of criticism, the world might have more insightful and meaningful paintings by him.
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