GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wangxiaoyu
Too much emphasis is placed on role models. Instead of copying others, people should learn to think and act independently and thus make the choices that are best for them.
1. 你在解决问题时通常是希望自己思考解决还是希望模仿别人的行为?这样做有什么好处?有什么弊端?
回答: 模仿他人。可以吸取经验。没有自己的思考过程,记忆不深。
2. 描述一个你认为可以作为榜样的例子,人们是如何对待这个榜样的?他/她是否被人们过分强调了?请举例说明。
回答: 雷锋。有点过分强调了。
3. 被模仿的榜样是如何出现的?他们有什么特征?如果要学习,什么样的榜样是值得学习的?什么不是?请举例说明。
回答: 做了某件突出的事迹。在某方面的特质突出。失败的榜样值得学习。成功的没有。
4. 独立思考和做事情对于一个人做出决策和选择来说有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 不受干扰,更能表达一个人的原始想法,更有可能激发创新。可能一些问题自己看不出来,造成不利影响。比如做课程设计,自己一个人能快速的做出决定并实施。但在实施过程中很多问题不能自己解决,很费时间。
5. 模仿一些榜样来做事情对与一个人做出觉得和选择来说有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 可以吸取失败的教训,走捷径。不能亲身体会成功的过程,印象不深刻,得不到锻炼。
The speaker says that in our society , too much emphasis have been put upon role models and people should learn to consider independtly and thus make the best choice for them . I partially prove this assertion . People should keep independent and find a choice which are suitabel for them by themselves .  While the effects of role models are not emphasized too much and they can help people find a solution to a question quickly and make a correct decision .
We should acknoweldge the positive effects of role models .When people are started their career they are easily suffer from problems for their inexperience . While people can imitate the successful way of role models to build a solid basement of their career . Sony imitate the electronic products of Panasonic when the company was organized at first and then they develop different eletronic products of their own characteristic and gradually grandize their market share . Now sony has became one of the famous electronic companies around the world , and its success is due to the help of Panasonic to some extent .  
Although role model may irritate people and point a correct way to them , they are not omnipotent . Some times the success of role models is causual and their way of success can not be used universally . Bill Gate's success in Internet technology is an instance . Since Bill Gate dropped out of university to chase his dream , many young teenagers imitate him and retreit from their university . But they do not succeed like Gate . He knows exactly what he wants and organize his own company after he leaves Harvard . While most teenagers have not decide what they what to do and how can they realize it . Therefore , frankly imitating a model's behavior may deteriorate the development of a people's study or work , which does no help to resolve problems .
Since imitating role models can not resolve problems properly , people should learn to think independtly and thus make decisions that are best for them . Considering things indepently are more likely to create innovation . Shakespear is an excellent instance among people who get succeed by indepent consideration . He did not imitate other famous writers at his era , but created his own way to express in English . He innovate hundreds of English words which are derived from Latin ,French , and Greek . Because of these new words , he narrated his story in a particular way which had not appeared in the British literature before that time . His innovation has been a great success and Shakespear is considered one of greatest literature master in Britan today .
As I have mentioned , role models have some positive effects to some extent and their infulence does not be overemphasized . Nevertheless , imitating a role model can not help peole make the best decision for them and in most of the time , people should keep independent and seek their own way to succeed .
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