GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wangxiaoyu
Spending time alone makes one a better companion to others.
1. 什么样的人会让你喜欢相处?什么样的人会让你很厌烦?如果想要更好的与人相处,都要哪些方面注意些什么?
回答: 有共同话题,愿意倾听。自说自话的人。学会倾听别人。
2. 一个人在独处的时候都会做什么,想什么?和互动过程中的所做所想会有哪些不同?请举例并简述。
回答: 读书、思考,充实自己。比如写作业,一个人时做完不会检查,如果和别人一起做会对答案。
3. 一个人独处的过程会为同他人交流提供哪些帮助?请举例并简述
回答: 一个人看报纸了解最近的新闻,为和他人交流提供话题。
4. 如果一个人始终没有时间自己独处,会有什么后果?如果一个人一直自我封闭,不和别人交流,又会有什么后果?
回答: 始终独处很多想法会得不到改变,自己的想法可能会变偏激。始终不独处就没有自己的想法,容易受他人左右。
Spending time alone makes one a better companion to others.
The 21 century is a century of an exposion of information and it is not exaggerated to say that people who hold the most meaningful information is the one who most likely to succeed . In order to get more infromation , people have to learn to get along well with others and communicate effectively . When it comes to the problem of being a good companion to others , I totally against the assertion that spending time alone makes one a better companion to others . In my opinion , being a good companion needs strategy which can be learned only when you are stay with others and communicate with them . Therefore , people should spend more time on participating activities with others and try to be a good companion to others .
An good instance of group activity is  semina in college . Semina is a study pattern in which a group of students talk about their idea about an issue or their latest scientific findings . The famous German scholar Humboldt had learned a lot from semina and brought this new pattern into the University of Berlin which makes this university one of the more famous universities in innovation beand free thinking . When people are talking about an issue together , they would cencentrated in others speaking and they want get all the attention from others when they are speaking . The technique of listening to others patiently is very important when you are staying with others . Every one wants a company who can listen to what you think and understand your ideas and just provide a circumstance in which the ability of listening to others and making clear what it means can be trained . Therefore , participating group activity is obviously a better choice for people who want to be a good companion .
What's more , always spending time alone can lead to a self close down and people can not update with the time which render them out of date and no one would be like to stay with a people like that .The history of China excellently explains this . In Qing dynasty , the country expericed a prosperity in ecnomy and military . People enjoy the life untill the Empior became arrogent and take a close down policy toward displomatism . After that , China had been close down to what happened out the country for years until British military broke China's gate by weapon . In all those close years , the Empior were actually spending time alone and they enjoyed the accompnishment they had got and did not get program any more . When Foreigners wanted to communicate with the goverment , the country had nothing to communicate and it even can not accept the new technology brought by the foreign ambassador .It can not get along well with countries like Britain , and it had to admit the fact of being invaded . Therefore , spending time alone is somewhat a behavior of shutting up oneself which insulate the people from  outer imformations and leaves him a dumb person when they are staying with others .
Although spending time by oneself can result in taciturnity which is unwelcomed in a socila circumstance , it can not be exaggerated that spending time alone provide a circumstance for people to think independently and accumulate materials which they can talk with people in social activities . Take the experience of myself as an example . Last summer vacation , I spent a week home reading books and watching movies alone . When I doing this without interrupted by others , I can understand the ideas beyond the books or movies better and I wrote down my won feelings in my blog to take down the flying inspiration . When I hung out with friends the next week , I had a lot of staff to talk with them and I found myself popular among my friends when I telling them my fresh toughts inspired by those books or movies . Spending time alone actually prepares more material to talk about and more variable character which are favorable in social activity .
In sum , being comapnion with others is a issue of not  social stategies but also characteristic of oneself . Spending time alone can enrich a person and makes one a spot in social activities . Whereas attending group activites can cultivate good social strategies which helps a lot in dealing with others .
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