GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wangxiaoyu
The widespread idea that people should make self-improvement a primary goal in their lives is problematic because it assumes that people are intrinsically deficient.
1. 你是否因为“我还有很多不足”而把“自我改进”作为了生活中的主要目标?大多数人是否和你有同样的想法?请举例说明。
回答: 没有。我们都知道自己有不足,但是很少游人把自我改进作为生活主要目标。
2. 除了“自身不足”以外,人们选择自我改进作为生活的主要目标,还有什么其他的原因?请举例说明。
回答: 完美主义。自我改进可能是为了社会进步。
3. 如果一个人认为自己有内在不足的地方,会给这个人带来什么好处和哪些弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 会持续改进。也会导致不自信甚至自我厌恶等。
4. 如果大多数人都认为自己存在内在不足,会给社会带来什么好处和那些弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 社会会有持续改进的趋势。也有可能造成过大的社会压力产生社会问题。
5. 如果一个人把“自我改进”作为生活的主要目标,会给他带来什么好处和弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 好处是提升自我。不好的地方可能太关注自身不关注他人。
6. 如果大多数人都把“自我改进”作为生活的主要目标,会给社会带来什么好处和弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 社会会整体进步,也可能导致自私主义,只顾提升自己,而不顾社会利益。
Every day in our daily life , we try and make our best to chase for things we want . Desire is the instinct of human beings . Most people should have had the desire to be a better man and make self-improvement a goal . When talking about this issue , I totally disapprove of the speak that the widespread idea that people should make self-improvement a primary goal in their lives is problematic because it assumes that people are intrinsically deficient . In my opinion , a desire of improving oneself does not indicate a assumption on deficiency of oneself . Further more , the assumption that peole are intrinsically deficient is not problematic as the speaker asserts . Therefore , people who set self-improvement as their primary goal in their lives should not be damned .
The desire to improve oneself does not indicate an assumption on deficiency of oneself,people must improve and up-date themselvlest to survive in this high competetive world . Take myself for example . I had a tutor of physic when I am senior 2 and I tried my best to improve my physics and hope to increase the grade in the college entrence exams . I do that not because I think I am deficient in physics . Actually I have no desire to be a physic major students and I do not think not  knowing how to solve a complicated physics problem can deteriorate my whole life that I have to make physics improving as my life goal . The reason why I spend so much money and time on it is just under the pressure of the exam ;I need a grade good enough to allow me enter a good college and learn a major I am interested in . Actually every person in a particular span of their life time must have decided to improve themselves in some aspect and theit aim could change from time to time . While they do this not out of the so-called guilty of self deficiency , they just need to do that to pass an exam , qualified themselves for a job or get ready for an interview-anything that ensure they can survive in the society . Therefore , there is no direct link between self-improvement and self deficiency . People have to improve themselves all the time just because they should meet a variety of need in their life which push them to do that .
Even the goal of self-improvement does reveals an assumption of intrinsically deficiency , it is not problematic , instead , knowing people are intrinsically deficient does more positive influence than negtive one to people themselves and the whole society . Liuyong , a famous writter of Taiwan , realizes he has deficiency in controlling his temper in a vary young age and have always tried to overcome it . He begun to cultivate plants and observe them in a long span of time during which he changed his temper and he became more patient when dealing with issues with others . This character helps him a lot in social activity and his writting . Therefore , knowing one has some inborn deficiency can help the person set up a practice goal and spare no effort to eliminate that which can help him succeed in career .
Although making self-improvement a life goal does not necessarilly indicate an assumption of intrinsically deficiency and the assumption is not problematic , it can not be ignored that paying too much attention to self deficiency cause serious problems to society and individuals. Suicide is the extreme behavior of the realization of self-deficiency . The person take their deficiencies too seriously which makes them desperate that they do not believe they can change it and thus they choose to give up themselves . The famous Japaness writter ,   Kawabata Yasunari , commited suicide after he had received the Nobel prize of literature . He was doubious about himself and he do not believe he can trenscend the works he ever wrote . In a continous self-abasement and self-aproach , Kawabata ended his life eventually . Have he had more toleration for himself and paid less attention on his decreasement talent and inspiration of writing , he would not choose to end up his life in such a way and leave so much grief and regression to his family and reader . Therefore , the assumption of intrinsically deficiency can lead to self-abasement or even a resentment of oneself which may lead to radical behaviors that hurt themselves and people around them .
In sum , the desire of self-improvement is natural and positive which has no direct correlation with the assumption of self-deficiency . Even there are some correlation , knowing one's inborn deficiency can not be problematic in most of the time . Nevertheless , a overemphasis on self-deficiency is unwise and can deteriorate one's normal life . Therefore , we can just improve ourselves every day and be careful not to take self-deficiency too seriously .
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