GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wangxiaoyu
Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete.
1. 在电视和网络普及的现在,人们是否还在旅游?相对于电视和网络出现以前,人们的旅游发生了哪些变化?请举例并简述。
回答: 是。人们旅游的地点和方式更多了。以前可能只能通过旅行社,现在通过旅游节目和网上旅游者的沟通,人们能找到更多旅游地点和方式如自助游。
2. 在电视和计算机网络的帮助下,人们都可以从哪些方面在何种程度上去了解他们没有去过的地方?请举例并简述。
回答: 旅游节目,会带领观众了解一个地方的风土人情。
3. 旅游是否仅仅为了熟悉了解某个没有去过的地方?旅游能带给人们哪些电视和网络不能带给他们的感觉和影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 不是。亲身体会一种没有经历过的生活,拓展眼界,加深思考。
4. 同样的内容和信息,自己亲身体验和通过电视或网络了解会有哪些不同?请举例并简述。
回答: 以前看泰国的旅游节目觉着那里天气很好旅游设施也多是很好的旅游地点。亲身去过后并没有旅游节目中讲的那么好。
21 century is a century of information explosion , people get information from a variety of ways  ,nowadays . Television and worldwide computer connections provide an opportunity to understand world around us and broaden our horizons . Some people say that because of television and worldwide computer connections,people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited . As a result , tourism will soon become obsolete . While I do not think that would happen . Although the rapid technology does make it possible to experience a life or culture which is totally different from what ours , the meaning of travle and experience by oneself can not be ignored . As far as I see , tourism will never be abolished for this eternal charming .
Tourism can not be replaced by internet or television for neither of them can express your own feeling for the place . Take myself for instance . I have heard of the beutiful natral scene of Hainan since a very young age . Every travle program introduces Hainan and I am familiar with its blue sky and crystal sea when I am home . Nevertheless , when I first stepped out of the airport of Hainan and seen the city , I still be astonished . The breeze and sunshine made me feel away from crowded city life immediately . I spent several afternoon just sit on the beach , listening to my favorite song and seeing the wave of the sea . The feeling is totally different from siting on a sofa and watching a travel program . I could smell the salty smell of sea , feel the cold wave kissing my toe fingers and the coarseful surface of sand and shell , which I can never experience by watching television . Those memorable days in Hainan has became a treasure of my life , my temper became smooth and I decided to let go of many unhappy thing before . Therefore , the essence of travle can only be told by people who experience the place by themselves for it  is particular for each individuals .
Apart from the specific experience of travle which can not be replaced by television or internet , the wide spread of television and computer connections can only agitate people to go to the place by themselved and experience that kind of life they seeing on televisions or internet . People get to know a place they have never been before through television or internet , on which beutiful scenes , diversial culture , rareness animals are introduced and it is natral for people to have a desire to travle for their reality are most likely contradict with those travle cities. The reality is they happen to watch a program which introduces a city , and they are eager to be there and they just go by the help of internet .The most amazing part of the computer connections is that you can even contact with a inn manager through twitter or face book to get a discount in price . You can book ticket , hotels , taxis and or the things you need for a travle on line which saves a lot of time and money . Therefore , the worry that the spread of televison and computer will influence people's desire for travel is redundant .
Televisons can foster people to travel by broadcast a famous people's travel experience . Bill cliton , as the president of American , once visited China . Media all over the world broadcast his experience which introduced the scenery of China to the whole world indirectly . When people watching Cliton delivering his speech at Guilin , a beautiful town in the south of China  , they not only listening to his speech , but also enjoying the beautiful scene of Guiliin . After Cliton's travle to China , many foreigners came to China to experience the charm of Guilin which they had seen from the television . Therefore , television is a media  which attracts people to a strange city and have a nice day there .
In sum , the wide spread of television and computer internet will not make travle be abandoned , instead , they irritate impetus to tourism . Tourism can never be replaced by watching travel program or scaning travel websites , for people can understand a city or a culture only by their own feet .
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