TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:llllllllt
【IBT机经-5】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Compared with people who live in urban areas, the people who live in rural areas can take better care of their families.
1. 把家人照看好需要哪些条件?需要做些什么?请结合实例简述。
回答: 有更多的时间,更和谐的家庭环境。陪家人聊天,不把工作的烦心事带回家。一个人工作压力大,回家就将工作上的不顺发泄在家人身上,导致不能和家人和谐相处
2. 照看家人的好坏程度是否和居住地有必然联系,为什么?请结合实例简述。
回答: 不必然,有心就可。但是居住地能给照看家人提供便利。例如在农村一般不用加班,有更多的时间陪伴家人
3. 如果二者有联系,是不是居住在城市里的人对家人的照顾就不如那些住在乡村的人呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: 不一定。内心你更纯朴
4. 城里人哪些典型的生活特点?哪些特点能促进他们照顾好家人,哪些阻碍他们对家人的照顾?请结合实例简述。
回答: 生活节奏快。便利的公共设施,医院,老年中心,公园。工作,压力,时间。
5. 住在乡村的人有哪些典型的生活特点?哪些特点能促进他们照顾好家人,哪些阻碍他们对家人的照顾?请结合实例简述。
回答: 生活悠闲。环境相对好,民风纯朴。公共设施,人的理念。
Taking care of our family is our duty. With remarkable progress of our socity, people spend less time and energy to take care of their family. This phenomenon brings out an interesting question that people who in rural areas can look better after their families. As far as i am concerned, location is not the most important factor whether we can take care of our families or not, however, in some degree, the location plays a helpful role in looking after families. In this case, in my opinion, people who live in the country can take better care of their families than people who live in the city. My point of view is based on the following reasons and examples. To begin with, when you live in rural areas, you have more time to enjoy with your families. As everybody knows, living in the country normally means you do not have to work late, you will have more spare time that you can share with you beloved ones. In contrast, the pace of life in the city is much faster, which you have to be confronted with choosing to work instead of hanging out with family. For instance, I work in a company, and I always work late. Sometimes when I come back to home, my parent has already slept. I feel so sorry when I cannot spend time with my family. In addition, you will not undertake so much pressure when you live in rural areas. With this huge benefit, you and your family can have a harmony environment which is the key issue when you take care of your family. On the contrary, because of the high pace of urban life, the work pressure drives you crazy. For example, I always talk to my parents about my work or life problems, and they hold different opinions all the time. This obviously results an unhappy argument, which does not happen when you live in rural areas. Adimittedly, there is no way around the fact that living in urban areas has its own advantages to look after family. One of the advantages is the better public facilities, such as advanced hospitals, fancy parks and so on. However, these advantages seem to be minor in comparison with living in rural areas because the relax life pace and happy mood count most. All in all, from what has been discussed above, I can safely draw a conclusion that people living in rural areas can take better care of families than people who live in urban areas. It is not only because living rural areas can give you much more spare time to enjoy with your families, but also provide you a easier and cozy life style you cannot have when you live in urban areas with fast pace of life.
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