TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:aimee.q
Students at universities often have a choice of places to live. They may choose to live in university dormitories, or they may choose to live in apartments in the community. Compare the advantages of living in university housing with the advantages of living in an apartment in the community. Where would you prefer to live? Give reasons for your preference.
1. 学生宿舍有什么便利和不便?举出你或是朋友的例子。
回答: 离教室近。便于学习。 不便:相互打扰
2. 社区公寓有什么便利和不便?举出你或是朋友的例子。
回答: 锻炼独立,不打扰; 自制力差的话就会生活混乱
3. 除了小区公寓和学生宿舍,你还能住在哪里呢?有什么好处?有什么问题?举出一个具体的例子。
The first time being a college student, a man or a woman probably has the first chance for leaving his or her home. When it comes to the living problem at universities, they have a choice of place to live, university dormitories or apartments in the community. I prefer the former one for following aspects.

The first reason I want to put forward is that living in university dorms means students are close to the classrooms, and this means a lots of advantages for their study. The foremost benefit is that student will hardly be late for classes. Therefore, they will not miss any part of content the professors prepare for the classes, and also they can gain a complete knowledge system that help them studying efficiently. On the contrary, students living out school usually have a greater possibility of late because of the long distance between classroom and their apartments. Furthermore, living close to classroom make students not only focus on listening and learning during the classes, but also review the important point after classes. On the contrary, students living in apartments will lose their attention because they live outside universities and they want to go back their place immediately after classes. In a summary, living in universities means that studying will be more efficient and time-saving.

Another significant reason is that living in universities will benefit to students' further education and career. Firstly, it is more convenient for students living in universities to communicate with classmates and discuss with teachers. Students majoring on same subject can form a learning group to help each other by borrowing notes or discussing termly.  Additional, communications within people from different majors help expand their scope. On the contrary, students living outside universities must spend time on the distance between their apartments and schools, and on cleaning their houses, so they will not be able have time for further study. Secondly, there are plenty of lectures of big persons in universities usually in the evening, so that students living in schools will gain more opportunities for the attendance while students living outside probably will be at their apartment at the lecture time, losing these chances. Therefore, living in universities means not only convenient for study, but also lots of opportunities for improvement.

Of course, there must be some benefits of living outside. Students have a chance to exercise their independent spirits, and also social skills because living in apartments means living alone in one room, and living with others in one apartment to share a bathroom or a kitchen. Furthermore, students have more chances to search and get part-time jobs outside schools so that they could get familiar with society essences. While, students living inside schools are less probable to get a outside job to span time.

Based on all above reasons, I think although advantages of living in apartments outside universities do some help for students to learn more about the society, the most important thing during university time is to focus on study. So I feel it is more favorable to living in universities for me.
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