GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘天阮
In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 请列举任意三项伟大贡献或成就,并分析这些贡献和其所属领域中的过去成就之间有哪些联系。
回答: 牛顿在伽利略,笛卡尔研究的基础上提出万有引力定律 DNA是遗传物质的证明 基于前人一系列前人成果的基础上成功的中子星的概念的提出 跟天文学的关系相对比较小,是受到原子结构的启发而提出的镭的发现 基于前人的研究结果,进一步提炼而成的,这些发现和贡献都是基于和利用前人在该领域的研究贡献,来进一步辅助自身的研究。量子力学,DNA结构,相对论。量子力学是完全扬弃了过去旧的观念,全新的一套诠释方式去描述世界。DNA是在别人的基础上分析的结果,而相对论则是采用了新的手段描述空间,和以前的知识有一定的联系,也有自己的创新之处。
2. 是否存在这样的情况:某人从未没有涉足过某领域,但却作出了对该领域发展有重大意义的贡献?如果有,请举例并分析贡献是如何作出的,与哪些其他因素或人物相关。
回答: 火药的发明。火药是中国汉族发明于隋唐时期,距今已有一千多年了。火药的研究开始于古代道家炼丹术,古人为求长生不老而炼制丹药。传入欧洲后,欧洲人约在13世纪时才懂得黑火药的作用,而经过数个世纪的发展与改良,主要是粒状火药和火帽等发明,黑火药兵器乃逐步取代冷兵器,在陆地战争战术、攻城筑城技术以及海军战列舰的发展和战术等各方面,造成革命性的影响
3. 在一个领域中的成就会对之后在该领域的发展以及行为和思考产生哪些影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 会对后人在该领域的研究起促进或阻碍作用。比如之前一些宗教界在当时认为宇宙的中心是地球,并认为太阳是静止不动的,这导致后人的阻碍了后人对天文学的研究,普遍认为以上的观点,即使发现这个观点有误,也不敢出面反驳这些错误的观点。当著名的科学家哥白尼 伽利略等人提出对立观点时都会受到强大的错误观点支持者的质疑,而遭受迫害。但也有为后人的研究提供帮助的成就,如达尔文的进化论为后人对人类进化方面的研究提供了很大的推动作用。
4. 过去的成就对新贡献有哪些影响?这些影响是否是不可替代的?如果是,请说明原因;如果不是,请给出替代过去成就的事物。
回答: 是不可代替,现在的新贡献有很大程度上受到过去成就的影响,这之中的影响有正面的影响,也有负面的影响,不管是什么样子的影响,都会对新的贡献有作用。完全脱离过去成就而做出新的贡献不可能,因为最基本的科学理论也是过去的人建立的,很难想象不使用任何知识体系就能做出新的贡献
Resently, there is a statement that in any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field. The new contributions can be influenced by original success from my point of view with a positive impact or negative impact, and can not be avoided influence of previous contribution.First of  all, the old contribution in a field can gives a helpful effect to later people who makes new discovery or inventions there. The people later can involve the methods to achieve their study, accerlerating the degreed of their reaserches, increasing the possiblity of them to be successful.  And maybe it is able for us to avoid much failures that had been suffered from the earlier scientists and had been conluded that they were not right in these ways. Therefore, the new contributions of later scientists can be discovered or invtented sooner rather than losing by the passed falses experienced by early people. For instance,  the famous scientist Newton proposed the gravity law based on the theories of Galieo and Descartes, who promoted his study on gravity law. If there were no Galieo and Descartes at that time, then we may ask the law would come out so soon to the world. So we can not ignore the positive influence of predecessors who made great achievement in that field giving an impetus to later ones.However, the opposite effect of predecessors' accomplishment will have effect on our later people in their subjects. Since we are not capable to prove that the past contributions are always right, we may be misleaded by the past contributions sometimes. When we are affected by false opinions without conciousness, it is hard for us to reach the success and the falures results from a directed effect on false theories. Even though you find it is wrong, you may have spend much labor on it. Furthermore, sometimes the older contibutions will inhibit and against new dicoveries, as a great powerful to stand against the new achievements that are truth or real. For example, the people, Copernicus, Galileo found that the Earth was not the center of the univer and the Sun was not statical which was opposite to the mainstream view of astronomy, and they constantly persecuted by religious people. This is the bad effect of old accomplishment to influence later people.In conlusion, many factors confirm that it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field,In any field of endeavor
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