GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘天阮
Some people believe that government officials must carry out the will of the people they serve. Others believe that officials should base their decisions on their own judgment. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE45"Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carrying out the will of the people whom they serve"。题目你首先要搞清楚的是,政府官员有没有判断力与是否满足民众的意愿之间并没有必然的因果关系,思考政府官员判断力和群众意愿之间的关系。注意,尽量从宏观角度去思考政府职能,官员责任,群众特征等问题,而不要把思考范围局限在某个国家。
1. 描述一件民众意愿没有得到政府支持的事情,并分析为什么政府不支持这件事,为什么民众有这样的意愿?
回答: 将个税起征点提高到2万元起,政府并不支持,因为政府认为个税起征点提高到2万元,会影响到政府的税收收入,税收过少就不能加大基础设施建设,国防建设,以及公务的支出,会影响到政府为人民履行职能的能力,没有资金很多项目不能投入建设,促进社会的各个方面的发展。民众希望提高个税起征点,来增加自己的收入,让自己的生活质量更高,有更多的钱可以消费或投资,从满足自我需求的角度考虑
2. 民众在提出意愿的时候通常会考虑到哪些因素?这些因素会对他们的决策带来什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 会考虑到对自身利益 以及整个社会的发展。从自身利益出发,他们的决策会偏向自己,首先为自己这部分群体考虑,降低油价,来减少平时的生活成本,提高生活质量,节省出更多的钱干别的事情,像旅游,购物等。民众也会从社会的整体和国家发展考虑,比如支持国家发展航天事业,通过发展航天事业推动国家在国际上的地位,以及通过航天事业的进步和成果应用于居民的生活和国防事业,使国家国防事业更加稳固,强大,国家局面更加稳定,和谐
3. 政府官员在做出决策时会考虑民众意愿么?通常他们会考虑哪些因素?请举例说明。
回答: 会考虑的民意,他们会考虑到这些决策对民众和社会带来的影响,包括经济,文化,环境上的影响,如政府决定在某个地区建造一个经济开发区,它会考虑到,见这个经济开发区对当地的经济带来的好处,给人民的生活提供帮助,增加当地人的收入,同时还要考虑建造经济开发去对当地的自然环境的影响,对当地的生态系统会不会造成严重的后果和会不会影响当地的环境质量
4. 政府官员依靠自己的判断力或完全服从民众的意愿在做出决策时会有什么好处?会有什么问题?请分别举例说明。
回答: 政府依靠自己的判断力做出决策时办事的效率会更高,执行力很强,能再短时间内完成这项任务,但也会带来一些问题,即没有考虑到这项决策带来的一些负面影响,可能造成严重的后果,如环境遭到无法挽回的破坏,生态价值损失惨重。完全服从民众的决策的好处是满足了民众的要求,服从大部分人的利益,但也会因为要调查民意,需要很长的一段时间,而延缓做事效率,而且民众的意愿可能会发生变化,会影响决策的实施,什么也做不成。
5. 政府的职能是什么?官员和群众分别在政府职能中充当什么样的角色?他们有什么责任和义务?请举例说明。
回答: 政府的职能是发挥好它的作用为人民服务。官员是人民的公仆的角色,群众是主人的角色。官员有为大众服务的责任,民众有监督政府工作的义务。如政府在建设某大桥时官员为了中饱私囊,偷工减料,民众发现后要及时举报,揭露他们的面目,让政府更好的履行它为人民群众服务的责任。
There is a  existence controversy that  government officials must carry out the will of the people they serve or should base their decisions on their own judgment. As far as I am concern, that the government should make their decisions by themselves, and concern the will of the people they serve appropiately.First of all, the efficiency of decisions made by their own judgment is higher with stronger implementation capacity, representing the interst of most people they serve. Since it doe not have such time-consuming investigatations of  the repsonse of the people they serve, which will accelarate the execution speed and finish work faster. There will be less adverse power to against these decisions, and they need not much time to persuade them to agree with them. So this the cost of time that is necessary to think about in one decision. A good example of this is family plan, the government imposes family plan to help sovle the problem of large population which is subjected to great adverse power of receiving good accomplishment during these through the powerful implementation capacity of government. Though it confronts some obstacles in process, the people benefit from this wise decision. From this, it is significant fot government to carry out the decision on their own judgment.Furthermore, the people may think about the benefits of themselves selfishly, but it will lead to serious overcome if government did not concern about their wills. Sometimes the will of people perhaps is good for society, persuiting the better results the majority of the people. There is a prime example of this, the government makes a decision to build a factory near the downtown without asking the respond of people there. While the facotry is high pollusion project that threat the health and safety of the people and the ecosystem there. The people will get together to oppose the government to make this decision. Therefore, the decisions brings out by government are not always right, requiring the advices of people to modify the decision.In sum, we should draw the conclusion that the government should make their decisions by themselves, and concern the will of the people they serve appropiately.
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