GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘天阮
The increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than it solves. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 现代生活节奏的加快能够表现在哪些方面?和以前相比有了哪些不同?请举例并简述。
回答: 出行采用各种交通工具代替步行,为了节省时间,以前很远的路程都靠走路完成。现在通话只要拨通手机就可以联系到你想要联系的人,甚至通过互联网方便快捷的将信息资料传递给其他人,不需要跑邮局发电报或写信等麻烦的手段把信息传递给别人。吃饭可以到附近的快餐厅就餐,节省了很多买菜做饭洗碗的时间。同样的时间内可以做更多的事情,办事效率大大提高。
2. 过去的生活中因为慢节奏而引发了哪些问题?这些问题有多少被越来越快的生活节奏解决了?如果生活节奏不加快,这些问题会不会也同样会被解决?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 办事效率很低,信息传递需要花很多时间,古代传递一封信需要靠驿站来传递,常常要花上一个多月的时间才能到达。以前在家干家务包括洗衣服,洗碗,擦地等需要一整天的时间,现在依靠各种工具和电器就能在较短时间内完成。以前村子里的人到城里买点东西,需要花一天时间到城里去,现在只需要坐车到城里不需要花几个小时就能实现。
3. 现在的生活中都存在哪些问题?哪些是直接由快节奏生活引发的?如果人们的生活节奏不加快,这些问题是否同样存在?
回答: 生活节奏越来越快,自己的时间越来越少,没有得到足够的休息时间,引发人的工作压力较大,环境质量出现问题,汽车尾气工业三废的排放,人们的各种发病率上升,各种电磁辐射对人体产生危害。
There is a statement that The increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than it solves. Some people persist on it, while the others do not agree with them. From my point of view, the increasingly high pace of life catalyze the divelopment of our society though brings some problems with my reasons.On the one hand, fast pace of life gives us a convenient and efficient life styles than early times. It changes our traditional ways of life styles to some high efficient life styles. For some examples, now people go out often to drive cars, take buses or some other transportations which do not appeare in early times reducing the time cost on the way to their destinations. While past time people had to walk on foot although the places are far away from their positions. There is another instance that people do not use mobilephotos before, and they transmitted informations only by telegraph or letter wasting much more time than that of people spending the time just to call some one by cellphones. The history are full of these kinds of cases to support that the preopesity of our society are due to the increasingly rapid pace of life today.On the other hand, the fast-paced life also results in some problems faced by our people. Since with the pace of life rising, it may cause much pressure and bad physical condition to people than early time. The people demand to finish more work during the same time, consuming much physical fitness of people, and even people have not enough time rest, contributing to worse condition of their health which is a vicious circle to people. With the worse and worse health of people, it is easy for sickness to attack these people. The fast-paced life is likely leading to some environmental problems threat the health of people. Such as the waste and noise charged by factories and cars,  reduce the quality of people's life. Though some problems brings to us, we can not deny the advantages of the increasingly paced life offering us.
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