GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:styrofoam
It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician.
本题讨论有影响力的政治领导和保持诚实之间的关系,题目认为有影响力的政治领导几乎不可能一直说真话,并且提出绝对诚实对政治家不是美德。在分析的过程中,可以从政治领导人各种行为对说真话和说假话的需要、不同场合情况下说真话和说假话的利弊、成为有影响力的领导人和诚实与说谎之间的关系等方面展开思考。需要注意:1、题目给出限定要求论述对象应当是政治领导人;2、区分第一句中的一直说真话不可能和第二句中绝对诚实之间的差别;3、题目给出的两个限定是“all the time”“complete”而不是简单的“讲真话”和“诚实”;4、在论述的过程中虽然谈及对于政治家的其他美德,但不能无视题目给出的关键内容(绝对诚实)而岔开话题自说自话。
1. 请结合具体的某位有影响力的政治领导人分析:在其政治生涯中是否说过假话?如果有,是在什么样的场合下为了什么目的而说的?其结果是怎样的?
回答: BILL CLINTON 艾森豪威尔 1为了保住自己的RUPUTATION撒谎2为了欺骗hitler
2. 对于一位有影响力的政治领导人,哪些场合说谎话要比讲真话更有利?好处是什么?哪些场合不讲真话是必要的?请分别举例并简述。
回答: 涉及到NATIONAL DEFENSE 艾森豪威尔Dwight David Eisenhower 盟军在诺曼底Normandie登陆战略欺骗,使得德军统帅部判断错误,不仅保障了登陆作战的突然性,还保证了战役顺利进行,对整个战役具有重大影响。
3. 绝对诚实对于一个政治家来说,会有哪些正面或负面影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 绝对的诚实可能会引起恐慌 比如说NASA关于外星人的隐瞒。 但是一旦被维基解密这样的机构揭穿将会引起公信力的下降。 因为一个国家必然有机密。所以一个完全诚实的政治领袖会泄露国家的机密等
4. 如果一个政治领导人保持完全的诚实,这会对其自身、所领导的政党或国家带来哪些问题?请集合具体事例阐述。
回答: 比如说民众的意识形态会发生变化。
Being complete honest all the time is a virtue for normal people like me. The politicians are also demanded by the citizens to tell the truth all the time, but they always fail to tell the truth. I think it is necessary for the politicians and the governments to tell the truth to maintain a good relationship with the people, and telling the truth can also raise the government's confident level. While in some special occasions, it is impossible and unnecessary for the politicians to tell the truth.
In their daily lives, telling the truth is a good virtue for the politicians, especially when their personal lives are in trouble. In 1996, Bill Clinton was impeached for the Whitewater scandal, although he is not deprived of being a president, the supporting rate was largely influenced by his cheating. In an other case, Gorge W Bush claims that the Iraq government possesses large amount of mass destruction weapon without any solid evidences which in my opinion is another form of cheat, then wage war on Iraq by the name of "world police". It was not until the American army bogged down in Iraq did the Bush government realizes their mistake. The cheating of politicians not only has a bad influence in their supporting rate, it also brought some bad effects on its country.
 In most situations the politicians to tell the truth, in some special occasions, however, it is impossible for the political leaders keep the information secret, because the politician represents a country or a party. A country is more likely in danger if it has no secret in national defense. In the time of second word war, Dwight Eisenhower cheated Hitler to let him believe that Normanding landing was only a feint attack and the main attack would come at Calais, where the channel is narrowest. Given that if Eisenhower did not cheat Hitler, the landing is less likely to success. Even today, the American national defense department keeps many secrets. If a country's defense system is exposed to public, it is hard to guarantee the country's safety, that is why ,I think, the Pentagon always was twenty-four hour guarded . In the aspect of national defense and safety, it is almost impossible and unnecessary for the politician to tell the truth all the time.
Before a truth that may cause chaos was to be told to the public, the results should be measured. There once a novel wrote that a scientist came up to a result that the end of the world was in three days, the politicians told the people the truth; then the world was in chaos, the store was robbed, no man went to work, the hospital did not save people, many men died form the unrest and lake of treatments. Given the information above, I think the politic leaders can tell a white lie to the citizens to prevent the chaos and turmoil when they are in a occasion like it is presented above. The real case can be also find in America, the NASA has many information about alien and the UFO we do not know. The United State government also keeps it secret to avoid the chaos in public.
We need the truth because we have the right to know them, we want the truth form the politicians and the government.  However, the politicians are representing a country, the national's interest is more important than the people's curiosity and the credibility of the politicians, so I think it is not necessary to know the truth all the time.
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