GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:隋语
Leaders are created by the demands that are placed on them. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE89"Leaders are created primarily by the demands that are placed upon them"。题目讨论造就领导者的问题,题目认为是肩负的需求造就了领导者。在分析的过程中,可以从外因和内因对个人成长、发展不同的影响,需求在领导形成过程中的作用、不同领域和环境下的分情况讨论等方面展开思考。需要注意:虽然可以提出其他造就领导者的因素,但不能无视题目给出的关键内容(对他们的需求)而岔开话题自说自话。
1. 请列举三位你认为有代表性的领导人物,并分析这些领导人物为什么会在他们所处的时代脱颖而出。
回答: 1.Steven Jobs 苹果创始人 他发明了iphone,由于21世纪是一个电子时代,他的创造同时改变了人们的生活 2.Abraham Lincoln 民主 3. Ralph Marvin Steinman 2011年医学诺贝尔获得者 在当今大家拿癌症都无能为力的时候,他提出了一种新的对抗肿瘤的方法-疫苗,震动了医学界
2. 结合某一特定领导人物分析当时的社会存在哪些需求,以及此领导人物和这些需求之间的存在什么样的关系。
回答: 20世纪初的美国面临严重的金融危机,人们大量失业,饥饿问题严重,国家经济倒退。国家和人民急需一位伟大的领袖代领他们走出困境。于是Franklin Roosevelt 上台了 时势造英雄。如:彼得大帝(Czar Peter),被认为是俄国最杰出(preeminent)的沙皇(czar)。当时俄国十分落后:农奴(serf)增加,合法权利减少;俄国错过文艺复兴(Renaissance)和宗教改革(Reformation)的最好时期;科学停滞不前。而西欧一片繁荣。于是进行了西方化改革:发展科学,改革社会风俗,使得俄国成为列强之一。
3. 除了外在需求的影响,个人自身的基础才能和素质在一个人成为领导者的过程中都起到了哪些作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 外在的需求更多的只是提供一个更好的机会,但是真正其决定作用的还是一个人的自身才能和素质,可以假设:即使有机会,而如果缺少必要的能力的话也只能望洋兴叹,眼睁睁看着机会流走。
4. 在成为领导者的过程中,自身因素和外界需求对于一个人的影响哪个更重要?为什么?请集合具体事例分析并简述。
回答: 我决定自身因素更重要比尔盖茨在当时开始做软件的时候首先意识到了这是一个巨大的潜在是市场,于是开始着手,如果不是凭借自己惊人的才华也难以创造出许多划时代的作品,特别是操作系统的研发,他想到了可以把对指令的输入用一个可视化的人机交流界面来实现,这样就能大大方便用户的使用了,最终的成功还是凭借的是个人的才华。只是在外界的需求下他取得了更辉煌的成功。 个人能力:knowledge- vision; courage; leadership;如:马克思(Karl Marx),自学历史和哲学,具有独到的眼光;被当时政府驱逐(was banished),贫穷使得自身健康受损,孩子因饥饿去世,也不放弃写作;作为国际工人协会(The international workers association)的领导人,领导了很多次工人运动。
Leaders are created by the demands that are placed on them.
Leaders would be created by both internal and external characters.  Sinc internal character is as a standard whether he could be selected as a leader, the external character is as a condition whether he could be needed as a leader. 
        It is true that a leader need to have their excellent internal characters, for which they would be demanded as leaders for public.  Intellectual, insistence, intrepidness, profound insight, sense of obliagation and decsiveness, these are the characters the leaders should have.  Though the time need a leader, if Mao Zedong, who is a person in China inducted the public to found their new nation, without the profound insight and inprepidness, he would not find that it is a right time to fight against the old government through violant.  So no matter how worse the world, no matter how strong te desire that public need a leader, if the leader wothout the internal characters to help him 承担 this burdenden, he would never be a successful leader.
       However, Mao Zedong could not be a learder though he have many excellent personal characters, when the public or the society do not need a leader.  If they had lived in a peaful time like today, there was no need for a leader to lead the people fight against something.  Mao Zedong's talent could not be 发挥 thouroughtly, and maybe he would not be a chairman in China, maybe a poeter.  Thus, it is exactly that a person only when he is demanded he has the time to show his talent or he is just a normal people.
        The demands as a external characters just help people to find their positions in society    Only in the special environment, people's special characters would be intrigued, then these would help them to be selected as a leader.  Bill Gates know the time needs a more properous PC market, so he droped from the Harvard and devoted to the Mifcsoft's 研发.  If he unfortunately, he lived in a time with mature PCmarket, no matter how brillant he is, he would not be selected as a leader in the PC market.  Probably, he would never have the time to discover his talent when he could easily use the precessor's fruits.
       Hence, internal characters as a important character, which is the element factor for a leader's success, but without the demands placed on him, he would never have the chance to show his talent, to show his interal characters.
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