TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:hemingxin
Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
1. 你喜欢旅行吗?是喜欢结伴还是独自旅行?
回答: 我喜欢旅行。和同学一起。旅行的时候,我们往往需要坐很长一段路。这其中,有个伴聊天的话,我们就不会感到孤独了。
2. 和同伴旅行需要注意哪些事情?从中能收获什么?
回答: 相互尊重,相互理解。我们可以学会如何与他人合作,考虑他人的想法。
3. 独自旅行需要注意哪些事情?从中又能收获什么?
回答: 独自旅行更加自由,更加灵活。但是一旦出现紧急问题,没人可以帮助他,他需要时刻与外界保持联系。

Someone like to travel with a companion, while others like to travel alone. Which is better? Currently, this issue is concerned to a point where a heated discussion has been aroused. Some people argue that traveling with companions would not feel lonely when they have a long period trip, like taking a train for more than 10 hours. However, other people maintain that traveling alone is better because it makes them feel increasingly free. From my perspective, I prefer the former with the following reasons.
The advantages of traveling with a companion can never be exaggerated. It is a ubiquitous experience that we often spend lots of time on the way to the destination and we might obviously feel tedious and lonely as well. With a companion traveling with you, you could talk to him and even play with him so that you could feel relax, which could allow you to have a nice trip. Without a companion, you might finish your trip as well, but with discouraging feelings. Therefore, it is better for us to travel with our companions.
Those who believe that traveling with companions would be more interesting and relax also argue that it may play an important role on overcoming some difficult tasks when emergency incidents happens. To fully appreciate the significance of traveling with a companion, it helps to present my friend, Lee, an interesting example. Lee once go to Sichuan alone for traveling. But when he arrived in Sichuan, the severe earthquake occurred. So severe is the earthquake that the communicating systems were all damaged and he didn't know where to ask for help until the police came. If he had a companion with him, they could help each other and solve the problem in a more smooth way.
Admittedly, the advantages of traveling alone claimed for some people are also apparent. Having an individual trip could not only makes you unstrained but also let you travel without any limitation from others. Traveling alone has long been an accepted tool for people who have a great desire to meet freedom to hide them from outside world to feel freely and live comfortably.
From what has been discussed above, I strongly hold the opinion that it is better to travel with a companion, not only because we could feel considerable interesting and relax but also due to the fact that we could help each other when emergency incident occurs.
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