GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘旸
The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE170"The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but the general welfare of all its people"。题目讨论国家伟大的体现形式问题,题目认为相对于个人成就,全面福利才是国家伟大的最真实体现。在分析的过程中,可以从统治者、艺术家、科学家的个人成就以及全民福利都可以展现国家哪些方面的内容,这些展现的表现形式、彼此之间的关系以及概括性、真实性等方面展开思考。需要注意: 1、无论在论述统治者、艺术家、科学家的成就还是全民福利,论点都应该在讨论的是the surest indicator; 2、题目给出的是achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists而不是国家的艺术科技政治水平,分析要针对某人的 achievement; 3、对于此题这种对比型的题目,需要注意不应孤立得去分析二者各自的利弊,而是应当将二者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更好。
1. 请列举历史上的几个伟大国家、这些国家统治者、艺术家、科学家的成就以及全民福利情况。并分析这些内容在我们了解这些国家的过程中起到的作用。
回答: 秦始皇,统一中国,修筑万里长城,但不惜民力。
2. 统治者、艺术家或者科学家的成就和国家伟大程度之间的关系都有哪些?请结合具体国家、人物以及其成就分析并简述。
回答: 在民主宪政国家建立以前,艺术家和科学家往往由皇家供养,他们的成就可以体现国家的伟大,但对全民福利帮助不大
3. 全民福利和国家伟大程度之间的关系有哪些?请结合具体国家和当时的全民福利情况分析并简述。
回答: 全民福利实际上就是一个公正问题,有了福利,全体民众的财产就可以得到重新分配,保证每个人的基本生活条件,基本教育条件和医疗条件。能有效保护一些弱势群体。这就降低了社会贫富差距,保障了社会稳定,为维护每个人的基本政治权利奠定了基础。一个国家,归根到底就是要保每一个公民的幸福生活为最终目标,这才是判定一个国家伟大的最终标准。试想,一个福利不好的民族,国民都不满意的时候,国民都不引以为傲的时候,即使elite怎么牛逼,何以称为一个伟大的民族?
4. 同全民福利相比,统治者、艺术家或者科学家的成就在反映国家是否伟大的时候,是否存在局限性或者不合理的地方?如果没有,为什么?如果有,请举例并简述。
回答: 统治者具有对内对外的两面性,对外拓展疆土,对内却残暴不仁。如秦始皇。艺术家时常出现在社会动荡的时期,这时的国家可能正遭遇困难。如批判现实主义作家巴尔扎克,代表作欧也妮 葛朗台。科学家代表的科技文化等是无国界的,科学家的成果是全人类的,是站在巨人的肩膀上取得的。如爱因斯坦,本是犹太人,二战时期不得不从德国迁往美国,却没有影响他成为一个卓越的科学家。
5. 还有哪些标准或者条件可以反映国家的伟大程度?这些内容同全民福利相比,有哪些优势和不足?是否全民福利是对国家伟大程度最真实的反映?
回答: 政治、经济、文化水平,国际地位
The speaker claims that the general welfare ,rather than the achievements of the elites,is the surest indicator of a great nation.I concede that general welfare is an critical indicator of a great nation.However,in my view,the speaker's claim are too oversimplified,since in some particular history periods achievements of elites could also indicate a great nation A truly great country must have powerful comprehensive strengths.And not only are  powerful comprehensive strengths reflected in the prominent achievements of ruler and elites such as scientists and artists,but also in the general welfare of its members.This kind of country are supported by its people and have a true cohesion.And it could be viewed as a truly great nation.For example, the United States the elites have obtained splendid achievements in arts,culture,and science.At the same time the U.S. government also stresses on the general welfare of its citizens and guarantee the democracy and human rights.And every U.S. citizen loveand support the this country .So America is a truly great nations.On the contrary,the U.S.S.R overemphasized the achievements of elites and neglected the general welfare of its people.Eventually the U.S.S.R were abandoned by its people and crumbled.Thus,a great nation should both affirm the achievements of its elites and emphasize the welfare of its people. Nevertheless,the relaiton between governments and people are not as equal as that in today before the establishmen of constitutional and democracy countries.The goverments and people are respectively dominators and dominated ones,or rulers and subjects.In those periods,a great empire must not strive for the improvement of the general welfare,instead the surest indicator is just the splendid and eminent exploits and masterstokes of the emperors or the distinguished achievements and masterpices of artists,literati and scientists who worked for emperors.Although the achievements of emperors and artists might not result in the improvement of the general welfare,they could represents a great nation and were the fruits of human civilizations. The forms of nations evolves from empires and kingdoms,in which the governments are dominators and rulers of the countries,to today's constitutional and democracy nations of which duties are serving the individual's life,regulating the society and striving for the welfare.In the mordern sense,a truly great nation shoud allow full play to personalites and freedoms of its people maximally. In sum,the general welfare of a nation's people is an important indicator of a great nation.However,it is too oversimplified to asserts that the general welfare is the unique and surest indicators of a great nation,because in some particular history periods the achievements of rulers and elites could represents a great nation.
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