GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘旸
To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE72"One can best understand the most important characteristics of a society by studying its major cities"。题目讨论了解社会特征的问题,给出的方法是通过研究其主要城市。需要大家把“城市”、“社会”、“特征”几个概念都细化并且紧密结合。分析的时候需要注意以下三点: 1、本题很容易因为使用ARGUMENT中“个例不能代表整体”的观点而跑题。要注意,题目所说的是“社会最重要的特征”而不是状况。 2、不要把视角限定在城市的固定事物中,城市之中的商业、人物、活动等等都可以包括进来。 3、讨论“best”的时候可以通过对比等方式进行,要注意论述始终要和“主要城市”有联系,不要偏离论述核心。
1. 大城市和小城市以及乡村之间有什么共性和个性?
回答: 共性:有人居住,有独有的文化。个性:大城市,繁华喧闹,经济发达,交通便利,配套设施齐全;小城市,相对繁华,经济集中在某个方面,配套设施稍差;乡村,安静,经济以农林牧为主,公共交通不发达。
2. 哪些内容或者事物代表了一个社会的特征?其中哪些是不可替换的核心特征?请举例并简述。
回答: 共性:有人居住,有独有的文化。个性:大城市,繁华喧闹,经济发达,交通便利,配套设施齐全;小城市,相对繁华,经济集中在某个方面,配套设施稍差;乡村,安静,经济以农林牧为主,公共交通不发达。
3. 你印象里的大城市都有哪些特点?这些大城市展现了哪些内容是其他地方所不能展现的?可以结合北京、纽约、伦敦、巴黎等城市简单分析。
回答: 北京,保留的一些蕴含中国古代建筑文化的建筑物
4. 除了大城市,还可以从哪些内容上去了解一个社会的特征?请举例并简述。
回答: 古城的历史沿袭,不同地方的传统民俗,饮食文化,(纪录片,新闻报道,读史,看微博)等,eg:中国的西安,了解从唐朝至今中国历史的演变,对其国民的价值观行程会有很好的了解,不发达地区往往古老的习俗等保留的完整,饮食沿袭,因为往往在大城市,饮食,人们的行为习惯趋同;广大农村地区,收入很低,了解贫富差距等等,这些都是大城市所不能达到的
5. 在了解一个社会的过程中,对应上一问的各种方面,哪方面可以更简单得获得最多最新的信息?相比较而言,分析一个社会的主要城市是否是最有效的方法?
回答: 一个社会的主要城市是否是最有效的方法?通过媒体,关注网民信息等,不是,那只能看到这个社会经济政治的最高水平,而深层次的文化背景,人们内心深处的东西都被落掉了~ 例如,当代中国大规模建设,使得上海北京广州等大城市都差不多,都是新兴建筑,匆忙的人群,时尚的店铺,但是体现不了历史沿袭
The speaker claims that to better understand the most important traits of a society,one should study its major cities. I agree that the major cites could reflect some characteristics of a society.However,in my view,these characteristics are ostensible.And to understand the most essential traits,one must combined rural areas and people living there.

Generally speaking,major cites of a society could mirror the characters to some extent.Major cities attract people from every aspect of society and therefore are much representative of society.It has nearly become axiomatic to say that a major city? economy is emblematic of the nation.The leading positions of major cities in politics,culture and other aspects also contribute to their position in the ideology of the society.For example,we could appreciate the French romance by visiting Paris,and enjoy Chinese traditional culture by visiting Xi?n

However,we fails to draw the conclusion that one must understand the most important characteristics of a society through studying its major cities.This conclusion actually rests on an assumption:these major cities could reflect the essential and real characteristics of a society.Nevertheless,facts tells us this assumption is invalidated.Nowadays major cities throughout the world appear to lose their distinct properties and be more or less the same,due to the influence of globalization.If we camera down in the sky above Beijing and New York respectively,we would find little difference from these two pictures.So we could not say New York represents America or Beijing represents China.On the contrary,lots of traditions and national characteristics exist in rural areas.For example,in China customers prefer visiting some small town such as Xianyang,Pingyao,to visiting metropolises such as Shanghai,Guangzhou for studying Chinese traditional culture and national charateristics.

In fact,major cities may reflect some ostensible characteristics of a society.and rural areas and people living there would mirror the true traits of a society.Just like today? China,metropolises such as Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou,can not reflect the true traits of China.Instead,most rural areas,seven hundred million farmers ,workers and intellectuals would represent China.

In conclusion,major cites could reflect some characteristics of a society to some extent.However,these characteristics are ostensible.And to understand the most essential traits,we should study not only the major cities,but also rural areas and people living there.
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