GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘旸
[Claim] Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today. [Reason] The world today is significantly more complex than it was even in the relatively recent past. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]了解历史并不能够帮助人们在今天做出重要决定。 [理由]即使对于相对较近的过去,现在的世界和以前相比也变得复杂了很多。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题观点部分改编自老GRE的ISSUE54"History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today",理由部分改编自老GRE的ISSUE120"So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present"。题目讨论历史作用,尤其是历史在为现在的人们提供参考帮助上面的作用。题目不难,而且历史类话题素材广泛。但是写作的时候要注意一点:不要简单说一句历史还有其他作用,然后就花大篇幅去论述其他作用(岔开话题)。对于理由部分,你可以从“现象”和“本质”的角度去进行思考,也可以考虑满足什么条件的事情才是对其他事情有指导意义的。但是注意,不要把一些名人名言作为论据,多想想具体事实是怎样的。
1. 在你的印象中,过去的生活和现在的生活之间有哪些差距?今天有哪些事物是过去没有的?哪些事物一直存在,但是和过去相比,在内涵上发生了改变?请举例并简述。
回答: 生活方式不同,主要是由于科技和生产力水平不同。今天的许多东西过去没有,比如电脑,汽车,核武器。而有些精神层面的东西却一直存在
2. 历史对于现在的人们的影响和意义主要体现在哪些方面?影响方式有哪些?人们参考历史的目的是什么?请举例并简述。
回答: 主要体现在可以让现在的人们在对的但不完善的思想和方法上进行继承和改进,对于错误的经理进行参考了,影响的方式可以有书本上的关于历史的介绍,或者由人的本体进行一代代的传承,或者由大众的言论流传下来,比如民间艺术的流传对现在没有什么改变,但对于人们了解过去的艺术形式和当时的人文风貌有了很大的作用,比如京剧,这是一种人的天性。
3. 是不是只有和现在完全一样的历史事件才会对今天的生活有指导意义?如果不是?那么怎样的事情是有指导意义的?请举例说明。
回答: 不是的。有指导意义的事情是具有广泛性的。比如名著,即使他们有些都不是出自真人真事,但是对后世影响巨大。所以in my opinion,我觉得真正有指导意义的并不是“actual things”,而是精神、思维。比如在做每件事情的时候都要抱着阳光、开朗的心态,要有善心。
4. 你读过什么过去的书籍?你认为它们是过时还是对你现在的生活有指导意义?请举例说明。
回答: 孙子兵法,战争论,对今天的战争依然有指导意义
5. 你的父母是否曾经用他们过去的经验来给你一些指导?你认为有用么?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 有用。比如我父亲(前已举过例子)还有我的母亲,当我在为不喜欢自己的专业而苦恼时,我妈妈跟我说起她以前上大学以及她现在工作的趣事。她本科学习的专业是机械自动化,但她现在做的工作是行政工作。她说专业并不一定就规定了人将来工作就要做什么,而是从中学习到了比如逻辑思维、遇到问题不退缩等等精神品质,凡事都要看到他好的方面。于是我没有再抱怨过我的专业并不是我所喜爱的,而是反观我能从本专业的课程中学到什么,现在我做的很好,并且我也逐渐建立起了学好本专业的信息。所以我妈妈告诉我的这个经验非常重要。
6. 过去的一些经验或者事情是否会对人造成误导?请举例说明。
回答: 在一些特殊情况下,过去的经验和事情确实会对人们产生误导,而且这样的事情很多。因为在人类社会不断的变迁中,总是有一些东西要被更改被淘汰,留下的只能是最精华的,最本质的东西。因此并不是所有的过去的东西都是值得借鉴参考的。比如,朱元璋起义做皇帝,后来人就认为即使是乡下小孩,只要用暴力就能得到权力。这样的事件其实是需要考虑当时特殊的政治环境和朱元璋本人特殊的人生经历的。
The speaker claims that the world today is significantly more complex than it was even in the relatively recent past,and therefore knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today. I agree that the world today and the one past are incomparable in many aspects.However,in my view,history is a textbook on human nature and historical experience is still helpful for us to make critical decisions today.

Admittedly,there are few comparability between the world today and the one past.What happened in the past has few chance to recur in today' world. Many aspects of people's lives,such as material living conditions,values,customs,and challenges and problems they faced ,has undergone enormous changes with changing times.Even it comes to the same issue,like war,the manifestations and results today is more complicated than they were in the past.For example,today' nuclear war and its result are unimaginable for the people in the past.

However,history is continuous since many issues and problems (social equality,justice and wars,etc.)are merely an extension of what happened in the past.For supporting examples,one need to retrospect human history and would find that issues on social equality and justice were also focused by the people in the past.And throughout the history of humans,these issues today are only an extension of what they were in the past.Aside from issues on social equality and justice,many conflicts and wars are historical issues.For example,Indo-Pakistani wars and conflicts are mainly caused by the dispute for Kashmir.The partition of British India into India and Pakistan in 1947 did not divide the nations cleanly along religious lines,leaving the disputes of Kashmir from then on.In addition,Israeli–Palestinian conflict and Middle East Wars are also extensions of conflicts between Jews and Muslims in the ancient time

In fact,because of consistency in human nature,today' issues are always shadows of similar issues that happened in the past.Nowadays few people take the pains to study experience from history and even have a repugnance for doing so due to the intrinsic arrogance in human nature.Throughout the history of humans,human nature,such as selfishness and nobility,insularity and leniency,avarice and abstinence,show continuously in various forms.The dark side of human nature,like selfishness,insularity and avarice,often occurred in the form of conflicts and wars in history.On the contrary,the light side of human nature,such as nobility,leniency and abstinence,helped human make great achievements and progress from ancient times. Thus,history contains nearly all aspects of human nature and we could understand human nature through studying history.

In sum,it appeared that knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today since the world today is more complex than it was in the past.Nevertheless,any historical events are representations of human nature and studying history can help us understand human nature and make important decisions.
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