GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:邓馨
The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE228"The best way to teach -- whether as an educator, employer, or parent -- is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones"。题目讨论教育方式的问题,认为最好的教育方式是对正面行为的表扬和对负面行为的忽略。本题可以从表扬和忽略两种做法的利弊对比出发,结合教育的需求和目的进行展开。需要注意题目讨论的是“最好的”教育方式,所以在论述表扬和忽视各自利弊的同时,还需要把这个论述目标把握好,同时对于表扬和忽视的对象不要混淆。
1. 请结合具体情况阐述:对学生、孩子以及职员教育的目的分别是什么。
回答: 对学生:给予其基本的文化知识和思考能力,培养其文化素质,灌输道德观念等。 对孩子:规范其行为,培养其与人交流、交往的能力 职员:培养其工作能力,纠正其在工作上的不足。
2. 学生、孩子以及职员的哪些行为是正面的?对这些行为给予表扬会给他们哪些影响?请描述各种可能的后果。
回答: 努力学习,积极思考,乐于助人等,给予表扬能鼓励他们的这些行为
3. 学生、孩子以及职员的哪些行为是负面负?对这些行为的忽略会给他们哪些影响?请描述各种可能的后果。
回答: 荒废学业,沉迷游戏,不尊重他人等,放纵他门继续做错事,使他们认识不到自己的错误
4. 持续的只对正面行为进行表扬并忽略所有负面行为会有哪些潜在危险?请举例并简述。
回答: 学生只接受表扬,因此错误的认为自己做的事情都是对的,缺乏反省;并难以接受他人的意见
5. 如果想要达到最好的学习效率和效果,应当如何搭配对正、负面行为的鼓励和忽视?
回答: 对正面行为进行适当鼓励,激励他们继续做正面的行为,同时对负面行为进行适当提醒,使学生意识到自己行为的不恰当
6. 与鼓励和忽视相比,还有哪些其他教育手段?这些手段在教育中的应用,相对于鼓励与忽视,会有哪些不同效果?
回答: 如奖励与惩罚制度,这样的手段,更明确,使学生能直接认识到自己的行为的恰当与不恰当之处,同时这样做能更加吸引学生做正面行为,也对学生做一些过分行为起到威慑作用
The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.
When it comes to discuss the best way to teach,the speaker claims that the best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.Personally,I can only agree with part of the speaker's view:it is true that praising positive actions is essential.However,in terms of negative ones,the worst attitude is ignorance.Since an individual's roles in his life to be taught are as child,student and employer.I will discuss the three aspects of the advantages of praising positive actions and disadvantages of ignoring negative ones.
From a baby is born,the closest people to him is his parents.As he grows up ,his parents teach him to behavior approriately.When he grasp whatever he encounters and put them into his mounth,apparently he has no idea that such behavior is wrong,so his mother will stop him and tell him not to do that.However,it is common that he will continue doing that,until one day,maybe his mother is not in good mood,or she just finds out just stop him is not effective,he gets punished and no longer dare to do this.Also,he will do some positive actions such as help do housework or listen to his mother well.Every this happens,he will get praise from his mother and keep in mind that he will do this again.
When he grows up and steps into school,his teachers and peers in school becomes more closer to him.In school,he will learn knowledge,form moral values and right behavior.It is true that the student who always get highest mark will get praise from teachers.Others admire he and hope that one day they can do same well or better, and the excellent student himself will work hard in order to get praise again.That is the function of praise,to encourage students to work better and intrigue others take them as examples.However,for those who do not work well or behavior negatively,a representive teacher should point out their weakness and shortages,in case he will do that again.Because as students,they usually lack the ability to distinguish between right and wrong,If teachers just neglect these negative behaviors,students will have no idea that what they do is inapproriate and continue doing this.
When he start his career,he has formed basic value of moral and ability of work,as well as his own principles,and here the one who teaches him is his boss.Generally,in workplace,what judges his work is his attitude toward work and his ability.It is not possible that a person can do well in all his work,he has to learn and accept lessons.For employers' positive actions,a good boss should award and encourage,which is key to increase a company's efficiency and profits.If his employer do something wrong,just because he lack experience and this is his first time,the boss should not place too much pressure on him,instead he should help him correct.However,if it is due to his impatience or careless or inadequate payment,he must get punished .Because this is to ensure everyone works in a fair condition and at the same time to warn them not to do this again.
In sum,there are many ways of teaching and no matter which a teacher chooses,he should at least let the one who is taught to have the idea of whether his behavior is right or wrong.Without knowing this,the teacher will lead them to inability to distinguishing between right and wrong.
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