TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:hemingxin
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing games teaches us about life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你最喜欢玩的游戏是什么?大概介绍一下。
回答: 足球。足球是一个需要团队合作的游戏,为了取得更多进球的目标,大家互相协作互相帮助。比赛之后,大家还相互讨论如何可以踢得更好。
2. 你觉得这个游戏有没有教会你什么东西?和生活有关吗?
回答: 这个游戏教会了我一个道理。在生活当中,人们应该相互合作而不是自己独立地去完成一个目标。在完成目标的过程中应该向周围的同学请教,并且不断改进自己提高自己,以便能够更快更好的完成任务。
3. 你觉得生活需要什么能力?举例说明。
回答: 生活需要合作。现在的社会是一个信息化的社会,大量的信息涌入我们的世界,而我们并不可能掌握所有的信息。比如说,如果我们去完成一个涉及
4. 有没有哪个游戏考验了这些能力?具体说明一个事例。
5. 你觉得游戏和生活有什么不同点?
Does playing games teaches us about life? Some people argue that playing games does teach our something about life and also play a important role in our daily life. However, other people suggest that playing games cannot teach us how to deal with life on account of the difference between the games and actual life. From my prospective,  we can benefit a lot from games and acquire a couple of knowledge which can make a drastic change in our daily life.
It is no wonder that we can get a lot of abilities during games. I'd like to take football games as an example. Football is played by 2 teams and each of the team is composed of 11 players. The team which shoots the goal more than the other won. To shoot more goals, undoubtedly, team players always communicate with each other in order to understand their teammates well. With the deeply understanding of each other, team players can collaborate with each other smoothly and finish the games successfully. It is apparent that collaboration is also demanded in our daily life.  As for a student majored in chemistry, if he is going to finish the project which need  demanding expertise including chemistry and economy, he will face a lot difficulties. Certainly, it is impossible for a chemistry student to grasp all the expertise in economy. Apparently, if the student intend to complete the project alone, the project may get stuck. The discourage situation will  change, however,  if the student collaborate with a economic student, and the project will definitely go smoothly resulting from the collaboration.
 In addition, team players always gather together and summarize the match they have played. They find out what they have done well and what deficiency should be improved later. Self-examination is required for the reason that we can decrease  the error we have, as long as you want,  after we check ourselves frequently. The less the deficiency we have, the stronger ourselves are. As a result, we are better than ever so that we have a greater possibility to achieve the success.
Although we can benefit and learn a lot from games, we can not neglect the differences between games and daily life. We can make mistakes when playing games, where daily life usually permits zero error. Playing games is easy, to some extent,  because the most crucial function of games is just to make us happy and view the world optimistically. Mistakes don't matter because no one cares after the games. But having a better life is a relatively difficult task. For example, if a person lost the trust of his friends, no one wants to help him any more. It is a big deal while the emergency help is badly needed especially when  the person is suffered from a heart-attack . 
To sum up, playing games does teach us something about life. It teaches us not only to cooperate with others, but also to have a routine self-examination, which are important qualities in our daily life. With these outstanding qualities, we can make a progress more easier.
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