TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:hemingxin
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你在学习中借助了哪些技术手段?效果怎样?
回答: 借助了网络。网络可以使我们获得更多的有效资源,帮助我们的学习,提高效率。比如说,在没有网络的时候,同学们经常去图书馆翻阅书籍找资料,效率低下,现在同学们通过网站,例如谷歌,可以迅速的获得他们所想要的知识。效果非常好。
2. 在技术的帮助下,学生的学习特点有了哪些变化?
回答: 学生学习更多的与别人交流。通过MSN这些,同学们可以更好的交流,没有时间地点的限制。
3. 如果没有这些技术的帮忙,学生们怎样学习,效率怎样?
回答: 没有这些,同学们需要去图书馆查阅资料,非常慢。而且图书馆的资料往往没有图片和影像。同学们可能会觉得枯燥和乏味。
Currently, the issue of Internet is concerned to a point where a wild discussion has been aroused. Some people argue that students can learn more information and learn quickly with the help of Internet. However, other people maintain that students can not benefit a lot from Internet. From my perspective, Internet could do far more good than harm to students.
Internet could make increasing information available. Google present an interesting case for this. Students often need a lot of important information to finish their projects. To acquire projects smoothly, they often ask Google for help. Students can just click on the buttons and then the information they need is presented. Without the help of Internet, students can only search for the information in the library. Obviously, searching in library is so time-consuming that it needs considerable patience and might be a boring job. Given that searching is boring , students might not be interested in doing this, which would resist further development. 
Internet has long been an accepted tool for gaining available information. Furthermore, in its manifestation of being a communication tool, it might promote the conversations between students as well. The advantage of the discussion claimed for students can never be doubted. My friend Lee is a prime example. As a chemical students, Lee was told to finish a job which needed expertise in both chemistry and economics. At first, he had no idea about how to finish them.However, thanks to MSN,a popular chatting tool on Internet, Lee met several students who had a good understanding of economics. They had several heated discussions on the Internet and then finish the task, with the desired end result. Apparently, Internet can make us do a better job.
Although we can benefit a lot from Internet, some minor disadvantages of Internet are also apparent. Some students might be addicted to the online games which would have a bad impact on students' learning. In addition, surfing on the internet, we are inevitably haunted by a lot of terrible information intended to make students lazy and discouraged. If students don't know what information they should pay attention to, what they should ignore, the Internet is not beneficial so much as detrimental.
From what has been discussed above, I strongly hold the opinion that with the help of internet, students could learn more information and learn it more quickly. Only by Internet could students make some drastic changes.
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