TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:sunchen
Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 与同学一起学习时,别人会对你有哪些影响?
回答: lol
2. 独自学习时你的效率高吗?存在哪些问题?
回答: lol
3. 你更喜欢独自学习还是和别人一起学习?为什么?
回答: lol
To us students, studying is a familiar word, as we all have studied for several or tens of years. Faced with the problem that should we study alone or with a group of students, quite a few students may think that studying alone is more efficient, considering the quite condition. Others may consider it differently, as they prefer studying with a group of students. From my own perspective, I completely agree with the latter idea.   Among the various reason why we should study in a group as possible is the most significant point that members in a group can supervise each other. My experience provide a good instance of the benefit of studying together. When I was in the college, I used to practice coding in my dormitory using personal computer, I usually went to recreational web sites just after practicing a few minutes. In that case, my technology improved very slowly, or actually, I made no improvement. As time passed, our college should organize a group for an crucial national competition, so we team members were forced to train in a classroom. Since we supervise each other, I didn’t not search the Internet any more but focus on mathematics and computer science knowledge. These personal experience lead me to believe that learning together is absolutely a good idea.   In addition, playing a part is the fact that when studying together, we can discuss problems as soon as possible. Our society abounds with a great many examples as there are plenty of learning clubs. Just take our university for examples, I took part in a club named ACM consisting of students from different colleges and schools who are interesting in data structure and algorithms. We have masters in various branching areas and beginners, so I can solve my problem quickly through asking others in the club. I believe that only in this situation can we learn knowledge and technology quickly and efficiently.   Admittedly, some people get used to study alone just for a quite environment. Nevertheless, studying together does not mean that there will not be a peaceful studying environment. At the same time, considerable though the advantages of self-studying are, we should not ignore facts that students may lose their focus easily for other funny things, and students may have difficulties solving problems all by themselves. It sounds ridiculous to insist that studying alone is efficient if we do not consider these facts.   From what has been discussed, we can safely conclude that the environment of a group students will promote students’ study. The more time students spend studying together, the more they can learn as they can learn more efficiently. Our universities and colleges should offer such opportunities and space for students to study in a group.
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