GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:王琦
As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and mysterious. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE183"As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious"。题目讨论知识对事物影响的问题,题目给出了一个负作用——越来越多的知识使事情更复杂神秘了。在分析的过程中,可以从知识增长的目的和具体情况、事物变化的具体形式、易于理解和复杂神秘之间的关系、导致这一情况的各种因素、不同领域不同问题的分情况考虑等方面展开思考。你可以通过直接和间接影响、静态和动态区别、个例和整体情况来扩展思路。
1. 请举例并对比:在现在和以前,某一领域中对于某项任务的情况有哪些不同。
回答: 现在肯定建立在以前的基础上,现在可以进行一些以前没有想过的研究。 例:生物学:当我们知道了DNA的原理之后,我们就可以有意识地改变动植物的遗传因子,或者治疗人类的遗传疾病,而这些在知道DNA之前,是我们根本无法考虑的。
2. 获得知识对于理解事物存在哪些帮助?请举例并分析。
回答: 获得知识可以更全面、更详尽地理解事物。 如在了解分子原子之前,我们感到世间万物很简单,但那只是一种假象。
3. 因为知识的积累,事物变得更加复杂神秘的原因有哪些?(例如:早年生物学只要对动植物进行观察,而随着发展,生物学研究已经深入到DNA、RNA)请举例并简述。
回答: 因为知识的积累,我们有了更广阔的视角,才能看到我们的不足。如在人类知道地球是圆的之前,肯定不会想到去探究地球另一边的事物。 此外,因为知识的积累,我们探究事物的手段见长。如只有在显微镜发明之后,我们才可能探究细胞甚至分子原子。
4. 事物变简单和变得复杂神秘是否仅存在简单的对立关系?请分析并简述。
回答: 不是滴,这是相对的。一件事物在认识以前觉得简单,并不能说明它本身是简单的。它永远都是复杂的,只是起初你不知道它复杂而已。
5. 事物变得复杂神秘是否就能说明知识的增加没有好处?对事物理解的进步是否要以复杂程度为标准?
回答: 不能说明没有好处。如果事物变得复杂神秘,这只能说明它复杂神秘的本质被揭露出来了而已,还是变得更加简单的。
  When we acquire more knowledge, could things become more simple? The speaker hold an opposite opinion, that things become more complex and mysterious as we acquire more knowledge. However, in my point of view, the speaker confused essences and surfaces of things. When we know more about one thing, it becomes simpler to us. The reason that it seems more complex is that the essence of the thing is more complex than we thought.
  When people say things becoming mysterious as our knowledge about it increasing, they basically mean two aspacts: firstly, when we know more, we find that there are more things we did not know; and secondly, when we know more, we find that what we thought we have been known are wrong or uncomplete. These reasons make things seem more complex. However, actually, the things are unchangable.The complexity of it after increasing of our knowledge is the same as before. It just because we did not realize its complexity when we know little about it.
  Firstly, when we have more information of something, we can watch it via a wider perspective. one example is related with our ancestors. When primative men watched around, they only saw the small part of the jungle they located in; however, when they detected farther, they found that there is sea out the forest; then, after they sailing over the sea, they suprisingly found that there is another world at the world's another side. But when human's knowledge only confirmed in the tiny part they live in, they thought it is simple, and never try to understand things over the sea. However, the globe is always the same, it never become more complex or mysterious than before. The erason we feel it harder to understand is just because we did not know there are so much things to detect.
  Secondly, when we learn more about a thing, we have more methods to realize things. For example, after people invent microscope, we learn more about a plant's micro-structure. We know about cells, then molecules and atoms, and things even smaller. Thus, when we meet another thing, such as a piece of animal's flesh, we would try to find out whether it has cells, and what the molecules of it looks like. Then, the piece of flesh seems become more complex than simply "food", what we had known before. However, the flesh always make up by cells, molecules and atoms, but before microscope appeared, we did not realize that fact. Our previous knowledge is uncomplete, or even wrong.
  After these discussions, we can find that things in the material world is always the same. They never changed. Given enough time and methods, theoretically we can completely know anything. I concede that things in our mental world--I am not mean things exist objectively in our mental world, such as mechanism of our thought; I mean works that we make up, such as novels, musics, paintings, and so forth--would increase its complexity along our knowledge enhanced. However, they are reflection of the objective world. Thus, when we ultimately know everything of things, our mental world will stop becoming more complex.
  In sum, we can safely conclude from what discussed above, that as our knowledges about things growing, things are never becoming more complex and mysterious. If we have enough time and method, finally everything in the world becomes comprehensible for us.

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