GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘旸
People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by society as a whole. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
相对于作为一个整体的社会,人们的态度更多的是由于他们当下的状况和环境来决定。 [说明:写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个说法达到什么程度,并解释你选择这个观点的理由。在展开和支持你的观点时,你需要考虑这个说法可能在哪些方面成立或者不成立,并解释你所考虑的这些东西如何体现你的观点]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE12"People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic"。题目的实质是比较人的社会大环境和所处的小环境对人们态度的影响。实际上,人们的态度会同时受到大环境和小环境的影响,这里需要比较哪种影响更大,并阐述理由。需要提醒的是,题目所说的“immediate situation or surroundings”是指目前的状况和环境,它们不一定是长期存在的。
1. 你所处的社会大环境在哪些具体的特点?这些特点是否曾经决定或影响了你对某些人或者事情的态度?如果有,请举例说明。
回答: 社会上:竞争压力大,生活节奏快 ,经济快速发展,多种文化相互交融,人们都比较急功近利,贫富差距越来越大。校园里:选择专业的功利性。愿意从事工资高地工作,而数学,物理等自然科学类的职业无人问津。国情:在中国,讲求谦虚是美德,团队精神与美国所宣扬的个人主义精神,独立精神不同
2. 描述一件因为某种状况或者环境而改变自己对某人或者某事态度的例子,并阐述为什么会有原来的态度,为什么会因为环境而改变。
回答: 得知中国绝大部分乳业公司爆出质量丑闻后,我就不在买中国牛奶
3. 决定人对其他人或者事情的态度的因素有哪些?请举例说明。
回答: 媒体的宣传,所受的教育体系中对那种人的定位,eg:亚洲人可能都认为美国人玩世不恭,数学差,西方人都认为亚洲人有毅力,不懂得享受生活;周围接触或者认识的人的表现;当时自己的观察
4. 人在某些紧张状况或者环境中承受的压力和他们的社会认同感会如何影响人的态度?请举例说明。
回答: 社会认同感强会给人更强的自信去面对紧张状况tension and pressure. 举例,奥运会、篮球NBA 主场作战总是会给球队带来更好的表现
Which is more critical to determine people? attitudes:their immediate situation and environment,or society as a whole?The speaker favors the former one.However,in my view,the speaker? claim is incomplete,overlooking the significance of society.And a man? attitude and behavior are in a process of continual process involved both immediate surroundings and society as a whole.

We certainly cannot underestimate the influence of some individuals and the close surroundings upon the formation of a person? world outlook and personal values.First,the society ,however,key a role it plays in shaping a person?  social attitudes,are surely composed of concrete components,for example,family,friends,teachers,celebrities and so on.Second,in his/her 20s---widely agreed a critical period for minting one? social identity and temperaments---he/her most probably tends to follow the footprints of those immediately around him/her for his/her own track.In his young days,the society may too large and blurring to be of any real significance in developing his social values.

On the other hand,however,humans are after all products of their environment.Any character of personality is ,if traced down to its terminus,simply a projection against the backdrop of society.There is no objection that any child grows up under the influence,direct or indirect,of his/her family,friend,teachers or certain celebrities,but all these people themselves are also products of a concrete society.Such a situation can be likened to vegetation and animals living on an island.Superficially,these vegetation and animals seem to live by the ecological system of the island.But the island ecological surroundings are,after all,a component of the bigger ecological sphere of the ocean embracing the island.A reasonable conclusion is that the vegetation and animals on the island are actually nurtured somehow by the ecological system of the ocean.

Moreover,although a young man develops his world outlook and personal values mainly during his 20s,such development is by no means a one-off action.His world outlook and value system may take shape in his puberty,but mature up in his adulthood,and finally ripen after his middle age as he reads broader,experience more and reflect deeper along the way.Therefore,it is safe to say that the older we become,the closer we are to the society as a whole than to any immediate situation or surroundings.

So,we can see that a man? attitude and behavior are in a process of continual changes.In his/her childhood and puberty,he learns from and within his relatively small world comprised of family,friends and school.But in his adulthood,particularly in his middle age and later years,he will surely merge with and sail along the river of the bigger,complex,sometimes annoying but unavoidable society.

In sum,immediate situation or surrounding plays a vital role in shaping people? attitude and behavior in his/her childhood and puberty.However,a man? attitude and behavior are in a process of continual changes in which immediate environment and society play a vital role in minting his attitude and behavior in different phases respectively.
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