TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:废柴女
【IBT机经-24】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People holding different views cannot achieve success as a team.
题目的难点在于如何将你的观点言之有理地表达出来。这个题目给出了一个判断“Unity of ideas adds much quality to teamwork, while various ideas do not.(观点的统一会增加团队合作的质量,而不同观点却不能。)”分析这个题目的关键在于你对意见不同和意见一致对团队合作的作用分别是什么。在生活中,人们所持的观点不同是一个很常见的现象,这到底是一件好事还是一件坏事,是分析这个题目时需要注意的。其次,应该注意,题目强调的“团队“,写作时应该围绕着这个来展开。
1. 一个团队成功需要哪些条件?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 一个团队成功需要成员的团结以及有好的想法,最后能够去认真的完成。
2. 请谈谈你对“不同意见“的理解?人们在什么情况下,会产生不同意见?请结合实际简述。
回答: 不同意见就是人们对一个事物的不同看法,不同理解,考虑问题的角度不同。人们的年龄,阅历,专业不同的时候容易产生分歧
3. ”持有不同意见“等于”矛盾阻碍“吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 不等于,持有不同的意见可以全面人们看问题的角度,如果能很好的加以利用就会推进成功,而如果利用不好的话就会产生消极效果。
4. 团队成员持有不同见解对与团队成功会起到阻碍作用还是促进作用,请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 在不同的情况下,如果不同的见解最后能够统一起来,那么就对团队好处。如果最后不能达成一致的时候,就会起到阻碍作用。
5. 持有相同意见的成员组成一个团队会成功吗?如果会,为什么?如果不会,请结合实际说明你的理由。
回答: 会成功,因为他们考虑问题更全面,更能想出新的,有创意的东西。
People today are willing to finish a assignment with a team, sine it can improve the working efficency to some degree. Some one deems that it is hard for people holding different views to achieve success. On the contrary, some one think it is easier for them to reach their goals. In my view,  I prefer the latter one.To begin with, people who holds different views can always inspire others to create new ideas, like crashing sparks. Suppose you are a member of group which consists of people who are various in ages and have different backgrouds. They must have different views because of unsame experiences. After a heat discussion,  what your partner said inspired you and a good new idea just hit you. This process of communcatiing with other people, one can open one's mind, expand the scople of knowlege. Thus, the team can denenitfy make a good result.In addtion, by building a team which is made up of  people holding different views can help the team members consider things in more broaden perspectives. Once I partcipanted in a assingment and teacher required us to finish the work as a team. Our team had studnets coming form different majors, like interantional trade, finance, accounting, sports management and other majors. Since every consider the assignment in different way, we finished the work considering almost all the possibilies and results turned to be fine. We cannot deny that there are some disadvantages when doing a work with people who look things in other ways. It take a cosiderably large number of time to reach agreement. Moreover, if otthers do not agree with your opinion, your team cannot finish the work.Though there are some slight advantages of working with them. 
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