TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:废柴女
【IBT机经-28】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is more important to choose friends that more capable of having fun with than to choose friends that will help you when you need them.
1. 交朋友有什么原则吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 朋友一定是真正善良的人,跟自己的人生观和价值观比较相似
2. 你觉得两个人成为朋友的原因有哪些?请结合实际简述。
回答: 长时间的相处,相同的兴趣爱好,在学习上互相帮助,跟对方在一起比较舒服自在
3. 你认为真正意义上的朋友会是什么样的?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 真正意义上的朋友是能真正在困难的时候帮助你,支持你,帮你解决问题。比如当你挂掉你的期末考试的时候,你的朋友会帮你补习的功课,安慰伤心的你,帮你恢复成绩
4. 俗话说,患难见真情,在你需要时能够及时出现在你面前给予你帮助的人才是你的真正朋友,你觉得这句话对吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 对的,当一个人失败的时候,他身边的一些人可能会离开他,不因为他的失败离开他的人才是他的真朋友
5. 能够陪你一起玩儿和能给予你帮助,这两种朋友,你会选择哪一种?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 我会选择陪我玩的,因为跟朋友在一起就是为了开心飞,放松自己。 老师,家长和同学也可以帮助你,不一定非要是的朋友帮助你。
What's the defination of firend? The one who plays with you or the one who offer help when you need? This is where the controversy arises, Someone believes that one should chooes the people who having fun with you to be your firends. However, others oppose it cite that choosing a helpful firend is more important. From my point of view, I prefer the latter one.This kind of firend can help you make a progress and sweep out your troubles in our life. When you confronting difficulties, they are willing to make you overcome the troubles, One of the best example is myself. Last semester, I failed in my mathematic examination and frusted by it consirably. Once I  lost heart in my math and did not want to study any more. However,  my best firend Sally, who is remarkably kind-hearted, taught me the basic knowledge of math books and figured out my weakpoint. She never lose patience even if I ask question repeatedly and told it to me over again and again.  Finally I got an A in my math test. To my great surprise, I made a extraordinarily progress in my math course on count of Sally's current help.It is well saying that, a firend in need is a firend indeed. Those who just have fun with you cannot keep your company when you are a failure. Life abounds with such examples. Once there were many successful businessman who possessed a large amount of money. Many people like to make firends with these rich people and play with them, such as playing golf, holding a luxury party and celebrating some festives. Suddenly the business man was bankrupt for some reasons. Guess what? Those who once having fun with him all got away from him. Could we call them "firends"? The one who left to help him recover his busincess and provied him a hand at critical time seemed to be the true firends.We cannot deny that there are some advantages choosing firends can have fun with you. Most of the time, we get along with our firends in order to relax and entertain ourselves. We all like to spend much time with the one who always make us laugh and is fun to around. By hanging out with this kind of firend, we can to be in the moment and enjoy the pleasure of life.Considering all the analysis above, we may safely come to the conclusion that it is more essential to choose firends that can stand by you when you need help since they can help you pass through the difficulties and impover yourselves, though there will be some slight advantages by stayng with the one who can amuse you.
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