TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Chadwistom
【IBT机经-29】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life.
1. 电影的种类丰富,能教会我们生活东西的电影一般指那一类的电影呢?请结合实际简述。
2. 这种电影教会了我们哪些东西呢?请举例说明。
3. 还有哪些其他种类的电影?请举例说明。
4. 人们看电影的目的是什么呢?除了学到东西之外,还有别的目的吗?请结合实际简述。
5. 有的电影讲述的是一小段故事,有的电影是记录一段历史,还有的电影是传播某种知识,不同的电影有不同的主题,你觉得划分电影是否值得看的标准是什么呢?
In order to relax our body after one-week's hard work, people usually watching movies on the weekend. However, should we watching all kinds of movies or just some movies that can teach us something about real life? I definitely agree with the former one.First and foremost, the purpose of watching films is not to learn something in our real life, since most of us go to cinema is just for fun and take some relax. As a result, nobody care about what we could learn from this film, we pay all attention to film's vision effect, sound effect, and plot development. For instance, last week we went to the cinema to see 3D version of Titanic, which is an unique film that I have ever seen ten years ago. And this time, because of 3D technology, this film also attracted lots of people went to cinema, besides, everyone was already know the plot of this movie, but still went to cinema, why? Since the perfect story plot, unforgettable theme song, and beautiful vision effect. What can we learn from this film? How to survived during this harsh situation? Or how to fall in love with a girl who you loved very much during a trip? I don't think so. Another improtant reason that I disagree with the statment is that when we go to the cinema, usually we don't meant to watch a movie, since it is just a activity that you must experienced with your family or your mates as an accompanied. For instance, almost every weekend my father and I will watching a movie, since my father is too busy that no time to  play with me, and we don't have many common interests and hobbies. However, watching movies is one of our common hobbies, both of us were like watching action movies and comedy movies, as a result we have same topic to discuss, and share different opinion about the movie that we watched. Additionally, this activity can strengthen the communication between my father and I, which means we could develop a better and deeper understanding.  Although watching some films that can teach us something about real life, such as documentary or the story of great people. According to these movies we can learn some people's life experiences, especially some experiences of setbacks, which could inspire me full of energy and faith to face this world. For example, a movie called "the pursuit of happyness", which told our a real story about a father who overcomed lots of difficults then he made a success, and finally he got a happyness life with his son, it's touchede me and teached me that never give up, and the final success will come after your last try. But we are not always watching movie that like "the pursuit of happyness". In most cases we just watch a movie that can relax us. If we really want to learn something, we could learn it from the books or internet, it is a much more effective and convenient method. In conclusion, watching movies don't meant to learn something about real world, it is just a part of life, we should enjoy watching a movie, and through study from internet or a book to learn something about real world.
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