TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:废柴女
【IBT机经-19】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is more enjoyable to buy a new technological device when it becomes available than to wait until many people have owned it.
1. 请结合实际简述,科技产品一般指的是什么东西?它的特点一般有哪些?
回答: 电脑,手机,电视,播放器,刚发布的的时候价钱比较高,更新换代速度特别快
2. 这些特点和其他产品有什么不同?请结合实际简述。
回答: 其他产品的价格一般在长期以来内都是均衡的,短期里产品的性能不会有什么大的变化。比如一些日常用品。衣服和鞋子,可以使用的年限特别的长。
3. 请结合具体事例简述,人们购买科技产品的目的何在?这些目的是否会影响到人们选购的时间,为什么?
4. 购买科技产品时应该考虑哪些因素?请结合实际简述。
5. 如果一个人的经济水平有限,那么一味地追求最新的科技设备是否还合适呢?请结合实际简述。
Undoubtly, there is a increasing number of technological devices have been invented to meet people's needs with the deveiopment of technology.Therefore, many people like to buy these devices as soon as as they are available. In contrast, someone believe it's better to buy it latter. Form the view poinr of mine, I believe it would be more enjoyable buy it until many people have owned it.To begin with, it is economical to buy it until many people owning it. As we all known that, it is considerablely expensive to buy a technological devices when it starts to be sold since this is  the best time for the company to make money.  However, when many people have purchased this device, its price must be cut off a lot. Take iphone for example, when I graduated from high school, my faher bought me a iphone 4 at the price of 4000 yuan. This was a big deal for my family. But after 2 months later, it was sold at about 2000 yuan, half price as before. That  means, I spent extra 2000 yuan to buy a totally same technological device. Actually, I could by two ipones if I just wait for two month. In addition, when we choose these technological devices, most of us have no idea which should we buy and what we do is just to believe its advertiment. According to the research on the Internet, 78% of people can not distinguish true and false information in the adversting. But when we wait for a while, after many peole buying it and using it, they can tell us function of the product and whether this produxt deserve its price. Then we can collect efficient information about the product and decide which to buy. When the first mircowave came to the market, people were crazy about it.  But its function were not so perfected, people who bought it felt depresssed about it since it was not so marvel as the salesman said. However, we do not deny that the benefits of buying technological devies when it comes to available. You can enjoy the convience and entertainment as soon as possible. Furthermore, these devices ungrade remarkably fast. When you buy it several months later, maybe the nect generation will be invented. As result, you can never use a new type.Though we can enjoy the pleasure of the new type. the advantages of buying it later seems outweigh the advantages of buying it as soon as possible, Not only can we buy devices at a lower price, but also we can choose the best one instead of regreting.
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