TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:废柴女
【IBT机经-22】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The best way for parents to make the children learn about responsibility is to have children care for an animal?
1. 结合实际,请简述你是如何理解责任感的。
回答: 责任感就是要为一件事情,或一个东西负责到底,承担后果,不推卸责任,自己照顾。
2. 责任感对人们的工作生活有什么影响吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 责任感可以体现出一个人的品质,有责任感的人容易得到别人的信任,容易被重用,对事情坚持到底。比如在做小组的作业的时候,选出的组长必须有责任感,这样才能保证整个过程的进行,最后才能完成,
3. 孩子的心理特征有哪些呢?你觉得是否有必要让孩子了解责任感呢?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 孩子的内心比较柔软,敏感,对事情是三分钟认读。有必要让孩子了解责任心。如果孩子能从小培养责任感,那么他会从小养成负负责任的习惯,如果小时候不养成,长大很难养成。
4. 照料小动物需要做些什么呢?它和责任感有什么必然联系吗?孩子能否胜任这项任务呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 照料小动物需要给动物定时喂饭,清洁,打疫苗,检查身体,带其散步,陪宠物玩耍。这可以使得孩子去很认真的照顾宠物,按时为宠物做事情,如果不完成,小动物就会生病。孩子不一定能胜任,因为这需要每天都坚持,而且会对孩子的健康吃产生影响。
5. 培养孩子们的责任感除了照料小动物以外,还有其他的方法吗?请结合实际说明你选择其他方法的理由。
回答: 还可以让小孩子,去收拾自己的东西,打扫卫生,做一些家务,用完东西后要归为,答应别人的事情一定要做到,还可以送孩子去一些能培养责任感的夏令营,这些方法更安全,健康,还培样了孩子的独立的能力。
In the era of the 21st century,  among the factors of success is being responsible since it can make one people easily trusted and appreciated by others. So many parents are likely to help their children know about responsiblity when they are still young. Some people believe that have chilldren care for animal is a good way to form responbility, However, others oppose it cite that it would not appropriate way for children. In my view, I deem having children care for animals is not the best way,Admittedly, Caring for animal needs children to spend some time attending it. For instance, children need to feed the animal and clean it at regular time. Plus, animals should be taken outside fot a walk and the animals health condition should be paied close attention. In the process of doing it, children will learn how to take care of a creature and one should be responsible for its lives. Although it is a good way to help children be responsbile, it is not the best way since it may cause some mental and physcial problem of chilren, According to some research of Medical Assocaition,  approximalely 75% of people who having pets have infected various virus and these virus are deadly to people at any time. If you want your children look after animals, they must touch the animals frequently. Thus this process provide a considerably conveient way to pass through virus. What's more, this process may hurt children's feelings. For instance, if a dog died because of the children's carelessness, how will the children feel? This kind of scene can easily left shade in children's heart. Consideraing the analysis above, maybe caring for animals is not a good choice.In addtion, there are also other better ways to help children get to know about responsility such as doing the housework, keeping one's promise and take care one's younger sisters ot brothers. Take my firend Sally for a example. When she was a child at the age of five, her mothe gave birth to a brother to her. After that, her mother trained her to look after her baby brother, like feeding milk, clean up the house, change the napkins and things like that. Gradually, my firend Sally found that it was not easy to take care of a baby and it is remarkablely tired to clean up the messy rooms. Since then, she got the good habit of doing the cleanings and getting away things after using it. Indeed, she realised that one shoiuld be responsible for one thing no matter what it is. Until now, she believes these things are another way to represent one's responsbility.We cannot deny there are some advantageous aspects of letting children care for animals. Since it may cause some health problem, maybe it is not the first choice for parents. Doing housework, attending baby maybe a fine way, since it not only improve the children's sense of responsibility, but also independence.
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