GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:tenacity_26
How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.
1. 孩子们适应社会的能力强(或弱)表现在哪些方面?请举例说明。
回答: 强:1 转学后能够迅速的和周围新同学打成一片;2 能很快的接受新奇的事物 弱:1 受到批评容易自暴自弃,抗打击能力弱;
2. 社会发展会受到哪些重要因素的影响?这些因素哪些是和孩子们适应社会的能力有关的?请举例说明。
回答: 社会发展受到文明发展程度、工业发达程度、人与自然的关系等因素影响。
3. 适应社会能力强(或弱)的孩子会对社会做出什么贡献?会给社会带来什么麻烦?请举例说明。
回答: 强:1 给周围的孩子做出榜样的作用,影响周围的孩子增强适应社会的能力 弱:1 制造一些社会混乱,加入黑社会、小偷小摸等不好的行为
4. 我们有哪些具体的手段和方法来培养孩子适应社会?这些手段和方法在现代社会中被执行的情况如何?为什么会出现这种情况?请举例说明。
回答: 手段和方法:1 教育 2 父母家庭的影响
5. 哪些因素会制约我们对孩子适应社会能力的培养?请举例说明。
回答: 1 父母自身的素质 2 教师的素质 3周围环境的影响
With the booming pace of modernization, people pay more and more attentions to the material world, addicted to the enjoyment brought by industrialization and to some extent, people ignore the methods to raise children.
Adults always rush into children’s imaginary and cherubic world, and force them to face the real world without any sympathy and expectation. Due to the increasing figure of unemployment, people are under great pressure, so they hope their children to be strong enough to survive in this cruel world earlier. However, adults forget that premature babies have small opportunity to survive, which contradicts their original expectation. Children are just like little shoots, they need to be irrigated, loosened, and fertilized with full patience. Pulling them up just builds them high from outside, but deformity inside. For instance, a friend of mine, driven to be a doctor by his parents, now feels on the edge of collapse facing death every day, he tells me that his parents kept pushing him hard since his childhood, and this unhappy memory is a deep sorrow in his heart. Imagination is a good thing, as hope, and maybe the best of things. Imagination gives people hope, and the strength and ability to reach the goal. Another example prove it to be true, my sister suffers a lot when she was young, her parents got divorced, and she lived with her mother in a poor life, but she is still a optimistic girl, she never kneels down to life or give up, she says that her imaginary world is her own rest world, she gets courage and hope from it, and then back to the reality. Therefore, people should protect children’s own world with happiness, courage and hope, which can help them grow to a big tree with enough fertilizers.
Furthermore, people tend to be a nail in this modernized world, absolutely with no consciousness. Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, all kinds of machineries come up, just like the bamboo shoots after spring rain. Under awareness, machinery takes place of many people’s work, making people just enter the buttons like robots without thinking. Unfortunately, this crisis extremely happens in the school. In the school, children are taught to institutionalized, they are filled with the same knowledge, though, taught by the different teachers; and they are asked to finish the same work, according to the same schedule. School is just like a factory, and after graduate, children are just like the products packed to society, hoping to be picked up by a company. All these cause children lack of thinking, especially critic thinking, so that they have no capabilities to solve the contemporary society problems, not to speak of constructing a better society. Confucius suggested that “The Superior Man is not a utensil”, which illustrates the truth. If a person is in a position of a nail for modernized society, he can be replaced by any others easily because of lacking individual.
To sum up, adults claim it beneficial to break children’s imaginations, and institutionalize children to robots, but reality provide evidence against them, so now they should pay more attentions to children’s mental and humane needs, they should lower their position, listen to their children, talk with them as friends, and learn from each other, which indeed do good for children’s growing.
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