GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Roger_838
The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.
本题讨论人类思维与机器之间的关系,是很多科学幻想都会触及的一个疑问——人类思维是否永远高于机器,机器会不会有一天超越人类而不再是简单的工具。相关方面有很多素材以及经典讨论,而且也是大家比较熟悉的话题。写作时应当注意:不要发散太多,ISSUE依然是在逻辑上的分析;对于AW,类似于academic writing,所以引用的例证不要太古怪。
1. 人类思维和机器相比,有什么共性?二者各自有什么个性?
回答: 共性是二者均具有一定程度的分析程度 个性是mashine仅能分析特定的问题,但是对于这样一些具体的问题来说其运算速度非常快,而human mind 善于找到分析问题的方法,对于具体问题的计算上面速度较为缓慢
2. 人类思维和机器之间是什么关系?
回答: 机器其实是人类思维活动的产物,帮助人类解决的并不是人类不能解决的问题 而是帮助人类节约下来解决这些问题的时间
3. 人类思维有什么不足是机器可以弥补的?机器在哪些方面超越了人类?
回答: 前面两个问题基本包含这个问题
4. 机器有有没有哪方面存在不足注定了其不能超越人类思维?这些不足会不会被某些首段弥补?
Nowadays, as computer science develop rapidly, more and more people start to wonder whether it is posible for a machine designed by human being to be superior to human mind. In my opinion, although I can not exclude this possibility completely, I don't think machines will be superior to human mind, for they are just the tool of human mind.
Actually,what machines do is to work following the thinking patern of a certain part in human mind. The part of human mind machine can copy has to be logical. Because of this limitation of the machine, it is only possible to deal with the problem which is clear, calculable and certain. It means, for are machine, it can only judge from right or wrong, it can not feel or imagine. As a result,computer can never get inspirations, for inspirations are not logical, and can not be calculate following a certain arithmatic. In other words, computers can never update them to conquer a new field which it is not originally  programmed.
Thus, all computer can do is the very limited thing people have programmed for them. So that people can do all the things that computer can do, people just cannot do it that fast. This means that computer can not be superior to human mind, computer is just the very tool to help human thinking faster and more acurately. In this sense, it can never think freely, and we can barely call that it is thinking. What it actually does is calculating, and this is of the only two ability that a computer can do, the other one is memerizing. It is no doubt that human can do more than calculating and memerizing, human beings can analyze! The ability to analyze is the ability which can never be replaced by calculating and memerizing, for there are certain thing we do not know in the process of analyzing which is not logical. As a result computer can not get the ability of analyzing.
However, though the possibility is little. We still has no reason that is strong enough to exclude the possibility that one day computer will be superior to human mind, for we are not certain of the concept of the next generation of computer. People may change their concept of designing and advance their arithmatic that finally get computer to think like us. Nevertheless, I am confident to conclude that judging from the concept and arithmatic of computers in the contemporary time, it will takes us a considerably long time to finaly write an AI which can be superior to human mind.
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