TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:summer_112
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
1. 你几岁开始上学的?那时候学校有开设外语课程吗?
回答: 7岁上学,学校没有开设外语课程
2. 现在的孩子都较早地学习外语,你觉得他们跟你当时同年龄的时候有什么不同?
回答: 他们比我上学的时候懂得的知识更多,也更成熟一点
3. 孩子一上学就学外语有什么好处和坏处?
回答: 年龄小接触外语容易掌握,对以后掌握这门语言有很大帮助。 坏处就是可能会占用孩子的休息和娱乐时间,会给孩子增加较大的学习压力
4. 孩子什么时候学习外语是最佳时期?
回答: 我认为7岁—16岁都是学习外语的最佳时期
5. 现在国家对孩子幼年外语教育是怎样的?
回答: 现在国家很提倡幼年外语教育,很多幼儿园也增设了简单的英语课程,还有一些英语培训机构有开设给幼儿培育的外语课程。
Nowadays,there are increasing number of parents let their young children take foreigh language course as soon as they go to elementary school,some school had foreigh language class,some are not,Parents will take their children to join in the social education organization in order to learn foreigh language.It's prevelant,so there is an argument about that did children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school.?In my opinion, it's  great  for children's furture if they began to learn a foreigh language since they went to school.
First of all, I started school when i was seven years old,and there was no foreigh language classes in my elementary school.I attached English first time when I was 12 years old,and in modern society,the age of children begin learning a foreigh language is getting younger and younger.I found they are smarter and more mature than me when i was a child.
What is more,It's easy for a child to  a lanuage, because they always have curiosity and like meme something they watched or hard.and their remembership is great. if a language teacher held a apple and tell children that this is an apple,annouce it and spell it,chilren will remember it quickly and they should never forget it.the only bad thing for children to learn a foreigh language early is that it will account for parts of children's play time or bring some pressure to them.
In conclution,although it will result some negative influence on children,it will bring more benifice than nagative influence.what is important,our country support children's foreigh language education,even some nurse school have already offered foreigh language classes.there are also increasing number of social community for young children language education.
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