GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE228"The best way to teach -- whether as an educator, employer, or parent -- is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones"。题目讨论教育方式的问题,认为最好的教育方式是对正面行为的表扬和对负面行为的忽略。本题可以从表扬和忽略两种做法的利弊对比出发,结合教育的需求和目的进行展开。需要注意题目讨论的是“最好的”教育方式,所以在论述表扬和忽视各自利弊的同时,还需要把这个论述目标把握好,同时对于表扬和忽视的对象不要混淆。
1. 请结合具体情况阐述:对学生、孩子以及职员教育的目的分别是什么。
回答: 学生:掌握专业技能,比如接受高等教育。 孩子:教育的目的是启发他们的求知欲,帮助他们形成正确的观念。 职员:培养职员对企业的忠诚度。
2. 学生、孩子以及职员的哪些行为是正面的?对这些行为给予表扬会给他们哪些影响?请描述各种可能的后果。
回答: 比如取得不错的成绩,帮助他人学习,积极思考提问。给予鼓励可能使他们更为努力,学习的积极性更高,自信心增强。
3. 学生、孩子以及职员的哪些行为是负面负?对这些行为的忽略会给他们哪些影响?请描述各种可能的后果。
回答: 比如抄袭,比如破坏团队合作,忽略可能使他们更为放肆。
4. 持续的只对正面行为进行表扬并忽略所有负面行为会有哪些潜在危险?请举例并简述。
回答: 不能客观的看待自己,比如一个学生作为学生干部,经常被老师表扬,他可能会觉得自己很了不起,却没注意到自己其他的有待改进的地方。比如一个程序员,他的程序经常被老板夸奖,时间长了,哥们可能觉得自己是团队里的大牛,不注重团队的合作,损害团队的整体利益。
5. 如果想要达到最好的学习效率和效果,应当如何搭配对正、负面行为的鼓励和忽视?
回答: 鼓励与忽视搭配,鼓励那些可以增强自信心的事情,但同时要对负面行为提出批评,保证学生接受正常的教育。
6. 与鼓励和忽视相比,还有哪些其他教育手段?这些手段在教育中的应用,相对于鼓励与忽视,会有哪些不同效果?
回答: 因材施教,启发自主学习; 因材施教可以调节好鼓励与忽视失衡的问题,解决同学的自信心问题,每个人都各有所长,也各有所短,既有可以傲于他人的方面,也有需要向他人学习的方面。 启发自主学习相比于鼓励是一个主动地学习状态,学生对自己的行为负责,不需要外界因素介入,在处理失衡的问题上危险性小。
My father is a senior excutive in a enterprise. Once I asked him what was the secrets to deal with his employees. His answer seemed abstract: The key is to enhance their efficiency and to critisize when they are wrong. His words reminds me of a heated topic: What is the efficient method in education,encouragemnt or hush blame. In my view, taking both measures will achieve a ideal state of good education.

Chinese people are familiar with one saying that good children are those who grow up with encouragments. Frankly, Encouragments enhance one's confidence.When I was ten, I did not do well in my English course. I felt upset and did not know what to do with my poor grades. Instead of blaming me, my mother patiently convined me that I could do well. I clearly remember after several times she told me like this, I did not feel fear when taking English classes. And day by day,I found it was full of joy when you tried to learn another language. Knowing English opens another world for me. Now, I can bravely chase my dream to seek an master degree in another country. I cannot imagine what it would be like if my mother did not encourage me on those gray days.

Eduaction, as a form  of enlightenment, has to involve this element, critiques. Mistakes are viewed as negtive actions, and some believe it should not be mentioned. Hoever, they ignore that negtive actions do help a  person become mature. Only when a student know why he did wrong can he avoid to fall in the same place in the future life. Only when a dishonest test taker is hard punished can he realize how worse effects on cheating in the exam than a poor grade. Only when a bady was told that he should not touch the electric button can he have an sense of dander. Indeed, Ignoring negtive actions is not a way to protect the children or the trainee, on the contrary, it may bring hazards.

Although some people may raise a question how to scale the encouragments and punishements. It seems too hard to realize the teaching method. However, a good education should cover multifacets, and I believe both encouragment and punishment should be used in teaching.
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