TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙晓琳
Films can tell us a lot about the country where they were made. What have you learned about a country from watching its movies? Use specific examples and details to support your response.
1. 你最近看过的外国电影是什么?或者说说你印象最深刻的一部外国电影。
回答: inception, 是给我印象最深刻的一部,也是我最近看过的一部。
2. 你觉得这部电影和你的国家的同类影片有何不同?
回答: 1,我想我们国家没有这一类心理学类的电影,或者与心理学有关的电影。 2,它的剧情十分丰富,而且无时无刻不在加入一些新的东西,看过之后好像也被导演incept了。 3,它在涉及了的很多场景包括了西方的思维习惯:比如一起头脑风暴,一起讨论,各有分工。或者说集思广益,共同解决一个问题。
3. 你觉得这和两国的差别有何联系?
回答: 中国的电影仿佛都与追忆,纠结,阴谋,剪不清的爱情有关,这体现了一些在中国现在文化上的压抑和焦躁。但是美国的电影却十分开放,不论是精神方面的探索,还是拯救的豪气,都有一种文化上对人性的探讨感觉。
Foreign films inevitably have some features of their own country. When people talk about French movies, they sometimes use the word "romance" and when people discuss American movies, they may be use the word "heroic", but it does not mean that there are not any other kinds, such as family movies. Movies show us some element of the culture and subtle feature of the society of their own countries. I like to watch American movies, because they can show me the American thinking patterns, some interesting and optimistic altitudes and some frivolous features of American culture and Chinese culture, say, the atmosphere of ambition and hopeful vista.
Watching a foreign movie can show us the solving-problem patterns of the country where they are made. Take the movie "inception" for example, in one scene, the characters sit in a circle and discuss a solution to a very tough problem, how to incept a idea, and then they speak out what they think and what the possibility of their plans, without limits and confinements. They discuss and even debate, and, finally, they solve the problem. The whole process is a brain storm, which is needed in a group, especially in a team. We can see it in a film that these people do not assert that they cannot do it, but they use their whole courage and cleverness to solve this.
Watching a foreign movie can show us the subtle atmosphere of humanity and greater good. Actually, even now, I still aren't able to confirm what really happen to characters, whether they are still in the dream or they do return to the real world, but I am sure that the character, who feels guilty to his wife, finally gain his peace, whether in the dream or in the real world. Heart peace is regained through the help from the young psychological student and the whole mission, which still is a good conclusion. When figuring that out, I finally feel joy for the man and released for the whole story.
 While I watch foreign films, I like to think what I can learn from that. Although some people may feel it is not rational to try to figure out the sub lining meaning, because they sometime contain some biases of the director, people can try to do critical thinking, whether accept the meaning or ignore it. So I learn the efficient solving problem patterns, some interesting and optimistic altitudes and seeking for humanity.
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