TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:kathykira
If you could go back to some time and place in the past, when and where would you go? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.
1. 现在回忆过去,你印象最深刻的是什么时候,发生了什么事情?描述一下。
回答: 高中的时候,当时每天6点去上学,10点回到家。虽然累,当因为目标明确,感觉是那么的有干劲。
2. 这个时刻发生的事情为什么让你印象这么深刻?
回答: 因为目标明确,就是高考,所以那段时期会让我印象深刻。
3. 如果真能回到过去,你会做些什么?为什么?
回答: 我想我会把所有心思放到学习上,好好学习,真的。 因为那种有那么坚定和简单的目标的时候是回不来的。人在长大,慢慢有家庭的麻烦,工作的压力,社会交往上也需要小心翼翼。
As we know, the most reason that our humam beings are considered at the top of all creatures is we have the amazing brain. Our brain can think, reason and remeber things. So as for me, I put memory at a very high status that I always think about things which I have had experienced. Each time I reminisced the past, my high school period would came in my mind.
The first reason I treasure that period most is that I work hard at that 3-years. In my concern, I really agreed that people do remember the hard time they have ever undergone. This saying fits me appropriately. I remembered in my high school I went to school at 6 o'clock. In the winter,  at that time, sun has not risen yet. After a whole day study at school, I back home at almost 22 o'clock- the sky is obviously already dark. Even after school, there still many homework left, I should finished them till late night.
The reason I remembered it most not because I only studied hard, but at that time I also had a very clear target, college entrance exam. A clear aim would let you have a bright move and feel full of energy.
The last one is that this exam influenced me a lot, which I did not get a good result. As I mentioned above that people always remembered things that they did not feel good, may be they failed in it. This is a very important exam for every Chinese student, we spent almost a year to prepare it. But though I worked hard, it is not enough. When I entered the college, I did not realized this bad result would influenced me so much. As a freshman in college, I feel relax and no more exams to take each year. But till now, after day by day study, the effects emerged. It gives me some side effects that I need to work harder to get through.
May be any word would not play a role, but if I back to my high school period, I would imposed myself to read more books that would let me know what study means. But now, what we should do is focus on today, to let the future in your control.
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