GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:茉屿森柠
The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE203"The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines"。题目涉及三个关键点:社会特征、英雄人物的特征和最有效的途径。重点应当分析社会中的英雄人物和社会的特征是如何结合以及如何表现(社会如何推选出英雄人物是一个值得思考的方向)。对于是否最有效,因为必须确定一种标准才可以得到相对优劣,所以可通过对比、类比等方法进行论述。写作的时候过程中可以将思路放开,各个时期各个社会都可以考虑进来。
1. 你印象里英雄人物的特征都有什么?和问题二中核心特征有什么对应关系?可以结合实际的英雄人物简单分析。(TIME评选的二十世纪二十位英雄偶像:Muhammad Ali | The American G.I. | Diana, Princess of Wales | Anne Frank | Billy Graham | Che Guevara | E. Hillary & T. Norgay | Helen Keller | The Kennedys | Bruce Lee | Charles Lindbergh | Harvey MIlk | Marilyn Monroe | Mother Teresa | Emmeline Pankhurst | Rosa Parks | Pelé | Andrei Sakharov | Jackie Robinson | Bill Wilson)
回答: 英雄人物特征坚毅,果敢,智慧,有责任感。 社会推崇的英雄能体现当时主导的价值取向。
2. 什么内容会是一个社会的特征?你认为现代的中国社会有哪些特征?如果选择一个或者一类人去代表某一个特征,你会怎样安排?当代的美国社会呢?古代的中国社会呢?
回答: 崇尚的价值观,主导产业,生活方式,对教育、科技、道德的重视程度。
3. 英雄人物相对于其他人有什么共性和个性?一个社会是如何挑选自己的英雄人物?请结合具体人物或事件举例并简单分析。
回答: 共性:受社会影响。个性:能影响社会。 根据主导价值观。
4. 如果让你去接触一个陌生的社会,你会尝试从哪些方面去了解那个社会?从哪最容易获得信息?从哪得到的参考信息更多?从哪分析了解起来更容易?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 从主导产业,生活方式。
Imaging you are in a society which you never know before, or there is a socity which you really want to know, what would you do? You might be find some characters in geograph, climate, conventions ect. about this society which can carv 刻画 the characters of this society.   To examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models is also one of choices. In my opionin, this method is one way to know about society. whether it is the best one,however, is not certain. 
The characters of heroes or role models in a society certainlly can demostrate the characters of this society. The reason which is obvious is that the characters of these people are 推崇的 by the society. That is why these public holding these characters are choosed as heroes or role models by the sociey. It encourages the same behavoirs which are benefit for society taken by mass.大众 Consirding about this, it can explain the value 价值观 崇尚的 by the society though what kind of people can be its heros.
Nevertheless, the characters of heroes or role models usually can 展示 the characters of society in one or two parts. As we konw, heroes are always the mini part in a society which is rational because there might be no heros behaviors if everyone can do the same things. So the 特质 of heros is not the one of publics',and the later one, I think, may be the better one to 体现 the the characters of society.
What is more, there is not only way to examine the charaters of society. You can get know about this society by its climate, geograph, some conventions and even some rituals, not just by  charaters from some or a group of people.
Besides, it depends on your purpose or level of know to judge which way is the best. If you want to get know some part charaters of  the society ,or know quickly, examining the the characters of heroes or role models will be your best chioce. If you want to, however, get 深入的,overall 了解about a society, it will be remarketly明显 not enough by knowing the characters of heroes.
Of course诚然,the characters of heroes or role models can 反映 directly the  the characters of society in certain society.希腊多武士为英雄,阿基里斯等。反映社会争战特点。Nowdays, many scienists are regarded as social hero in developed societies,which 表明science is 推崇的 and the characters of these societies that science is production power. Nonetheless, above examples are one-for-all which cannot 证明 know the characters of heroes is the best way.
In conclusion, some characters evn the main one of  the society can be examined by the character of the people that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models, but it is just one of the methords and usually 反映certain parts. There are others ways to get the characters of  the society, like know 生活方式,审美观, and which is the best relay on viewers' intentions and needs.
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