GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws"。出自马丁·路德·金的两种法律观(Two Concepts of Law in Martin Luther King)--“法有好坏、善恶的区分。换言之,法律有两种即公正的法律和非公正的法律。人们不仅有法律义务,也有道义责任,去服从公正的法律。同时,人们也有道义的责任不服从非公正的法律。因为,不公正的法律根本就算不上是法律”。题目首先将法律进行了分类,进一步给出了人们如何应对两种法律的建议。可以对法律内涵、社会中的个人权利以及义务等概念,以及概念之间彼此的关系展开分析。同时,在评判法律公正与否的时候需要注意,将思路放开,不要局限于某时某地。
1. 评判法律公正与否的标准是否存在?公正的法律有哪些?不公正的法律有哪些?请举例并简述。
回答: 并不存在,法律的公正在于公平地对待处罚的对象 不公正的法律在于剥夺了人民的正当权利,比如《防治煽动法》
2. 人们的责任都有哪些?人们为什么会被安排某些责任,又为什么需要履行自己的责任?
回答: 人们的责任与义务想对,人们的社会责任来自于将国家保障了他们的生命和财产安全,国家这个组织规定了一系列的法规,人们有遵守的义务来维持这个机器的运转。
3. 公正的法律对社会大众有什么作用?人们去遵守公证法律的原因是什么?如果不遵守,会有什么后果?
回答: 法律的公正性更多的是使得大众对社会的运转有信心。人们遵守公正的法律是为了保证这个社会有序的运转。不遵守,相应的自身的权利也得不到保证
4. 不公正的法律对社会大众有什么作用?人们有必要去违抗和抵制不公正法律么?如果有们为什么?违抗和抵制的后果会是什么?
回答: 不公正的法律是对社会大众的一种挑战,人们一定会抗拒不公正的法律,因为这有可能使得人的文明成果倒退,违抗的后果是有人牺牲,但是法律最终会被禁止
5. 社会里的个人对于法律应该采取何种应对方式呢?遵守的方式都有哪些?违抗的方式又有哪些?
回答: 社会的个人需要首先了解法律,其次遵循法律,在受伤时真正用法律做武器。
Back to the 1960's,China, the whole nation was suck into a disorder situation,and laws especially the constitute gave way to red guards movements. As Zheng Nian, a author who was famous for her memoir Life And Death in Shanghai, described in the book,laws at that time were Mao's words.Since three decades have past, the Chinese people get rid of the shadow of that dark time, and laws are again the weapon for ordinary people when they are attacked.I agree with the claim that people should obey the just law and resist to the unfair for laws is a public affair which are  strategies of constraining people and  need the concentration of every person in the society.

Just laws refer to those rules that can guarantee the society as a normally running machine. Consider the conception of society in the 17th century, scholars described the formation of a society or a nation as give and take game: People take away some of their rights and live in a corporate way and instead, the community has to protect their life and properties. Based on such conception, just laws should do no harm to the life of the participants of the society. Unjust laws however, is the oppsite, the one that can do harm to people in a society.What the most important is, however, people were not indifference about the unjust treatment. So many peole,attoneies or judgers were dedicated to maintain the justice of laws bacause it relats to the entire society, and no one can be a bystander.

Consider the first amendment of the America Constitute. It was first set to protect citizen's lieberty of speech and there is no wonder that everyone will feel pleased about that.However, during the next 200 hundrud years, this amendment faced test so many times. During the early years of the 20st century, people would be arrested if they made speech about the commusism. What the most important is, however, people were not indifference about the unjust treatment. So many peole,attoneies or judgers were dedicated to maintain the justice of laws bacause it relats to the entire society, and no one can be a bystander.
As to the resistance to the unreasonable or unjust laws, I believe that there are always some people  wise enough to see the danger. When talked about the demolition in Chinese metroploities, Chinese writer, Yan Lianke, said in his article 2011,The Year of strary dog published in the New York Times in April,2012, when people realized they are facing unjust treatment, they will seek ways to express their disatisfication and to arise the public attention to destroy the unjust. A similat case is in an Arab country,Egypt. When concluding the success of their revolution over the old dictators, the  jounalist of Cario said the youth in Egypt expressed their desire in the Internet with the help of social website, Facebook or Twitter. Their emotion drew attention of people in other places which offered them help to break the old and unreasonable system.
Also, sometimes the distinction of justice and unjustice might not be clear: Probably the just law for the business takers is  not just at all to those hard workers. Laws, however, are improved step by step,and this are motivated by the social progress. The way to realize such progress, which is demonstrated in the history of most contries, is to miantain the just laws and revise or even dischard the unjust.
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