GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
People who are the most deeply committed to an idea or policy are also the most critical of it. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE146"People who are the most deeply committed to an idea or policy are the most critical of it"。题目比较抽象,你可以从生活中的一些类似的事情来进行思考,比如父母对子女的挑剔,竞争对手的挑剔等。你可以考虑人们对于某种政策或观点坚定的原因,同时考虑对一种政策或观点挑剔的原因,从而建立它们之间的关联。
1. 描述一个经常被人们挑剔的观点或者政策,人们为什么会挑剔它?挑剔它的群体是拥护他的多还是反对他的多?
回答: 中国的教育制度,备受挑剔,大量的事实证明这种教育是失败的,所以人们挑剔他,或者人们渴望有所改进,所以挑剔他的不足之处。挑剔他的人一般都是这种制度的直接作用对象,比如学生,家长,反对的较多。
2. 人们会出于哪些因素而对某个观点或政策坚定不移?这些因素哪些会造成这个人挑剔/不挑剔它?请举例说明。
回答: 如果这项政策对其有利,他自然拥护,如果这项政策对他没有什么直接影响,自然就不太关注,比如美国人对宪法第一修正案的坚定不移,因为这关系到每个人的自由,而这是他们的立国之本
3. 坚信某个观点或政策人会出于哪些因素来挑剔这个观点或政策?又会因为哪些因素不挑剔这个观点或政策?请分别举例说明。
回答: 他深信得基础被动摇,比如一连串的经济政策失败说明意识相态在国家发展中作用不大,这使得中国人在70年代开始思考之前的路线是否正确。
4. 反对一个观点或政策人会出于哪些因素来挑剔这个观点或政策?又会因为哪些因素不挑剔这个观点或政策?请分别举例说明。
回答: 比如以前未有先例,人们会挑剔一个观点,比如纽约时报vs沙利文案,法官们开始思考人们是否拥有批评官员的绝对豁免权利
5. 人的情绪会对人的判断和行为造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 人的情绪会影响人的理性判断,比如对偶像的崇拜,极易将偶像所为所讲奉为圣经。比如文革中对宪法的轻视,选民学习毛主席语录
In 2010, Congress in the U.S did not reach to an agreement for the national debts until the last day of July, neat to the  deadline. It left me a profound impression for I felt confused at that time, why they could not reach to point since the more time they wasted, the harsh global economic enviornment would be. Now, after one-study of the introduction to  political science, I find out how naive my thought was. Poltical events ususally involve many aspects such as economy, culture or foreign affairs, and people in different position also are not willing to compromise. usually,according to my observation,people play different role, whether welcome or showing hatenss is based on the degree to which the policy can bring them benesits.

 Policy makers,like the controllers of a ship, are able to determine the dirention of the country. They believe strongly in their policies since these represent the interst of his class or his behind door force. Most people are reluctant to acknowledge that but the modern politic is under the shadow of group interests. The year 2012 is another election year, and in May 6th, the outcome of  French president election came out, and followed by the final election in november in the U.S. During the process, people's reaction to the candidates' politcal claim vary from places to place. The poor people may welcome the plan of tax cut, while the rich may show indifference towards this.The radical people may support the migrant restriction, while those embracing liberism may see it as a democratic repression .

Also, aother interesting issue realted to this topic is the blind following. Those who support some kind of policies may hatre to test its correctness since the policy is come up by their cherished leader. As a Chinese, I read several memoirs about the creazy time of the 1960's. When the red guards sentenced one person, their referrence was not the Constitute but what the venerate Chairman Mao said. Every red guard at that time had a red book about the words and ariticle their great leader had said or wrote. As the strong proponents,however, they did not pay any attention to the unreasonable aspects of the great leader's theory of the Culture Revolution. Their blindness was a main cause of the tragidy since the foundation of this young republic.

Although, what I have discussed above cannot cover the whole possible conditions, exceptions do exit when people can change their positions by some eternal forces or people never change their minds even the policies are demonstrated invalid. However, Looking at the current worldwide political stage, the two conditions I mentions are the most common, whther in Asia or Euroupe or the cmplicated Middle East. The atititude of policy suppotters depends on the potencial interest it can bring, and among those embracing the policy delightfully, a large proportion of them are blind followers.
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